The Research Alliance team has a strong track record of designing and implementing studies that make a difference for education policy and practice. We engage a wide array of partners in our work, including the NYC Department of Education, youth-serving nonprofits across the City, and colleagues at NYU and other universities and research institutions. We benefit from the guidance and input of a Steering Committee that represents a range of key stakeholder perspectives.
Research Alliance Staff
In addition to our experience as researchers, many members of our team have served as classroom teachers—which informs the questions we ask, the methods we use, and the way we communicate about our findings.
The Research Alliance collaborates with practitioners, policymakers, and scholars to advance a more comprehensive body of rigorous, relevant research.
Steering Committee
The Research Alliance Steering Committee provides guidance about our goals and research agenda and feedback on our work.
Engaging Communities in Our Work
In this guest post, Dr. Kathryn Hill, Research Director of the Research Alliance, explores how community engagement is essential to equity-centered research and increasing the use of research evidence, highlighting how community partnerships can positively shape research projects.