- District of Columbia
- Overview: The work in Washington, D.C. in 2018-19, and again in 2020, partnered with the Bainum Family Foundation, leading a birth-to-three coalition.
- Cradle to Kindergarten Project Team: Ajay Chaudry, Taryn Morrissey
- Colorado
- Overview: The Colorado work, done in 2019-21, consisted of a partnership between a consortium of funders, external experts, and state agencies, and focused on preschool, childcare, and the early childhood care and education workforce.
- Cradle to Kindergarten Project Team: Ajay Chaudry, Christina Weiland
- New Jersey
- Overview: Our team’s work in New Jersey in 2019-20 involved a more limited engagement focusing on the cost analysis for a birth-to-three plan that had already been formulated by Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) and consultants Harriet Dichter and Natalie Renew
- Cradle to Kindergarten Project Team: Ajay Chaudry, Taryn Morrissey
- Oregon
- Overview: The project in Oregon in 2018-19 primarily worked with the state, and included recommendations on child care, preschool, and birth-to-three services, as well as cross-cutting issues of the workforce and governance.
- Cradle to Kindergarten Project Team: Ajay Chaudry, Taryn Morrissey, Christina Weiland
- Washington
- Overview: In Washington State in 2018-20, we worked with a handful of philanthropic and civic leaders to generate a plan for preschool, child care, and birth-to-three services.
- Cradle to Kindergarten Project Team: Ajay Chaudry, Taryn Morrissey, Christina Weiland
- Universal Early Screening, Assessment, Connections, and Referrals to Services and Supports
- Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
- El Salvador
- Overview: Cradle to Kindergarten served as the basis for a comprehensive early care and education policy proposal developed with UNICEF El Salvador and a high-level committee on children in the country, made up of a wide range of stakeholders from government, NGO, and civil society backgrounds. This national policy proposal included components of child care assurance, universal preschool, as well as intensive family support for vulnerable families, with cost estimates for start-up and expansion of programming, building on existing service systems in El Salvador. It has served as one basis for the current Presidential administration's early childhood policy.
- Cradle to Kindergarten Project Team: Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Ajay Chaudry
- Cost Estimation of Key Social Interventions in First Decade of Life for UNICEF El Salvador's Child-Centered Social Policy Proposal
- A Transformative Child-Centered Policy Proposal for the First Decade of Life in El Salvador