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Research Alliance to Present at ICPH's "Beyond Housing" Conference


Research Associates Drs. Kathryn Hill and Zitsi Mirakhur will present Research Alliance work at the Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness (ICPH) Beyond Housing conference.

On Thursday, January 16th, Mirakhur and Hill will present findings from their 2019 study of student homelessness in NYC. Drawing on interviews in elementary schools with a high percentage of homeless students, the presentation will highlight challenges these students face, as well as promising practices identified by educators. The conference, which takes place January 15-17, will convene “a diverse group of service providers and big-picture thinkers” from across the country to explore strategies to prevent or mitigate the impact of homelessness on children. Hill and Mirakhur will join other scholars working to build evidence about how to help children and families succeed.

To learn more about the conference, visit the ICHP website, or follow along with the conference hashtag, #BH2020.