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A photo of the panel from the "Working Across Sectors" event

Watch: Juvenile Justice Panel from “Working Across Sectors”

IHDSC’s annual conference on Friday, June 1, 2018, assembled leaders in research, policy, and practice to share innovative initiatives and diverse perspectives, reflect on the research evidence, and pose questions that connect sectors, advance science, and promote action on behalf of youth experiencing difficulties in schools and beyond.

The Juvenile Justice panel included:

  • Dr. Amanda Geller, Clinical Associate Professor of Sociology, NYU
  • Ana M. Bermúdez, Commissioner, NYC Department of Probation
  • Krista Larson, Director, Center on Youth Justice, Vera Institute
  • Felipe Franco, Deputy Commissioner for the Division of Youth and Family Justice, Administration for Children’s Services
  • Corianna Sichel, PhD student in Counseling Psychology, Department of Applied Psychology, NYU

The summit was co-sponsored by NYU’s Institute of Human Development and Social Change (IHDSC), the IES-funded Pre-doctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training program (PIRT), the Center for Practice and Research at the Intersection of Information, Society, and Methodology (PRIISM), and NYU’s Strategies to Reduce Inequality (SRI) initiative.

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Systems Aligning For Equity

The aim of SAFE Spaces (formerly RISC) is to examine the setting-level characteristics and processes that occur in child welfare settings and explore their association with outcomes for youth.

Settings Matter

From the outside, a Close to Home facility could be mistaken for a family home, and yet upon walking inside, it is unmistakably a space of confinement. Megan Granski explores the ways in which settings impact child welfare.

Q&A: Putting Research to Practice in Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Settings

2017 was a monumental year for criminal justice reform in New York. At the State level, Raise the Age legislation was signed in April, promising that young people who commit non-violent crimes will receive intervention and evidence-based treatment. Around the same time, New York City announced a plan to close the jails on Rikers Island within 10 years, replacing them with a “smaller, safer, and fairer” system. IHDSC staff member Chris Barker spoke with Drs. Javdani and Godfrey about their experiences on the ground.