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Supporting the Development and Evaluation of Early Warning and College-Readiness Indicator Systems

The power of early warning and college-readiness indicator systems is that they take messy, seemingly overwhelming problems—such as getting students to graduate from high school and persist in college—and focus attention on opportunities to successfully intervene. Effective indicator systems provide consistent, coherent guidance to people working at multiple levels in schools, from district officials, to school administrators, to individual teachers, as well as to students and their families.

The Research Alliance collaborated with the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research to work toward developing valid college-readiness indicators; assess strategies for linking indicators to school practices; and turn indicator systems into effective monitoring tools.

This project built an important foundation of college readiness research that is now being further developed through the NYC Partnership for College Readiness and Success with the City University of New York and the New York City Department of Education.

A project in collaboration with the UChicago Consortium on School Reseach, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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