The Education Policy Hub, produced by the Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC), features short, accessible research briefs on education policy topics that are critical to equity. The briefs were authored by researchers and policy organizations with expertise on each topic. Each brief includes research evidence, key takeaways, helpful research links, and best examples of policy and practice.
The Policy Hub can be used as a resource for community-based organizations, students, parents, elected officials, candidates for elected office, and scholars alike to engage with and gain a solid introduction to important education topics relevant to public education today.
Click on the topics below to view and download a pdf of each topic.
Ending Student Criminalization and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
School policing is inextricably linked to this country’s long history of oppressing and criminalizing Black and Brown people and represents a belief that people of color need to be controlled and intimidated.
Regulating Charter Schools
As the number of charter schools increases protecting neighborhood school students from the unintended consequences of charter school growth, and 2) increasing transparency in charter school practices.
Family and Community Engagement
A rich variety of family engagement efforts can make significant contributions to improving student achievement. Engaging parents and community is an essential strategy for achieving better schools.
Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education
Culturally responsive-sustaining education is an education philosophy that calls for deliberately embedding students’ cultures into the very processes, inputs, and outputs of school.
Improving Literacy Instruction for Students with (and without) Disabilities
A great number of students, with and without disabilities, struggle to learn how to read. It is critical that schools offer explicit, systematic instruction in foundational literacy skills to all students.
Community Schools
There is a strong base of research that supports community schools as a strategy for creating equitable access to learning opportunities while providing resources to low-income communities and communities of color.
Early Childhood Education
The most successful way to promote equity in schools and improve outcomes for children is to invest in quality and start early. Mediocre or poor-quality programs do not produce the same results.
Check back soon for upcoming briefs on the following topics!
- Recruitment and Retention of Teachers of Color
- Critical Consciousness
- Big Data
- Multilingual learners
- School Improvement/Alternatives to School Closure
- School Funding
For more information, contact the Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) at nyu-ejroc@nyu.edu.