Nordoff-Robbins training is unique in its comprehensive focus on the technical application of music and the development of clinical/musical resources. We offer three types of training: pre-internship and internship for music therapy graduate students and post-graduate certification for professional music therapists. While the content areas and structure of the programs are similar, they are differentiated by the extent of clinical competency and knowledge expected of participants.
Certified Nordoff-Robbins therapists (Level I) may continue in our Level II and III post-graduate certification training to advance their clinical work and develop their skills to supervise and teach.
The Center also periodically offers seminars and workshops to the general public. We have “Approved Provider Status” by the Certification Board for Music Therapists, and attendees at all of our program offerings and professional seminars are eligible to receive Continuing Education Units for the maintenance of their professional certification.
For more information contact the Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Center at (212) 998-5151 or email nordoff.robbins@nyu.edu
Scholarships for Certification Training may be available. See the Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy Facebook page for details.
Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy on FacebookLevel I On-site Certification
Candidates conduct sessions in group and individual music therapy, have weekly individual supervision, and attend weekly seminars in clinical musicianship, Nordoff-Robbins theory, and group music therapy.
Level I Blended Learning Certification
The Blended Learning Nordoff-Robbins Certification track combines on-site and off-site training and may be completed in a minimum of two years.
The Center offers a pre-internship placement for master’s level students who are able to commit to two consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring).
Graduate Internship
The Center offers a graduate level internship that runs from September to June.
Level 2 Certification
Level 2 Certification will be awarded to Nordoff-Robbins music therapists who have worked to integrate, internalize and expand his/her understanding and application of the Nordoff-Robbins approach.
Level 3 Certification
Level 3 training focuses on developing effective trainers of the approach by achieving the skills to teach the full range of course material andpresenting publishing contemporary work relevant to Nordoff-Robbins practice.