Application Extended: Still Accepting Applications
Graduate students are eligible to participate with the Center through a year-long academic internship. Running from September through June, these students:
- Attend weekly training seminars in clinical theory and practice, improvisational resources and techniques, and group music therapy.
- Participate in group and individual music therapy sessions and documented analysis of these sessions.
- Obtain weekly supervision from experienced internship supervisors.
- May assist in recording sessions.
Only those students undergoing Master's level music therapy programs are eligible for participation in the Graduate level internship program. Enrollment will be limited.
An interview is required for prospective Graduate internship candidates. The interview will take place at the Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy at New York University. Under certain circumstances a Zoom option may be accommodated.
During the interview, we wish to get a sense of you as a musician, especially your receptivity and ability to be responsive in the moment, your ability to hear musical potential as you play with another person, and your ear training and harmonic knowledge. Please be prepared to:
- Play the piano and/or guitar and sing.
- Prepare music in a variety of styles, i.e., classical, popular songs, jazz, original music, etc.
- Improvise music on piano or guitar and voice as the interviewer plays various instruments and workshops clinical scenarios.
The interview is also an opportunity for us to get to know you as a person and to sense your potential to do this work. We encourage you to discuss your previous clinical experiences and your desire to train at the Nordoff-Robbins Center. We will leave time to answer any questions you might have about the internship program.
Internship Application
To apply for the Nordoff-Robbins internship program, please use the link below. In addition, once you have submitted your application form, send two letters of reference from educational and/or work settings to: Zachary Kandler at In-person interviews are generally held from March through April. Under certain circumstances we can arrange Zoom meetings.
Apply for Nordoff-Robbins InternshipIf you have any questions about the internship training or interview process, please contact or call the Center at (212) 998-5151.