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Dear Parents, 

Being informed makes for better decision-making. The resources listed below are compiled for families of English Language Learners and students whose home language is other than English.  All of these resources are translated into one or more other than the English language.  We hope that the important information about your rights would help you make decisions for your children.

If you need more information about your rights, please feel free to contact the New York State English Language Learner Parent Hotline via telephone at (800-469-8224) or via email at

Ron Woo
Executive Director - NYS Statewide Language RBERN

Resources for Ukrainian Parents and Students | English Language Learner Parent Information | Events & Workshops | ELL Assessment Information | Assessments | Curriculum | Discrimination and Harassment | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Information | Health | High School Information | Immigrant and Newcomer Information | Informational Video for ELL ParentsPrekindergarten | Special Education | Supporting ELLs at Home


A Parent Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA provides certain rights for parents regarding their children’s education records. This guide provides general information on a parent’s rights under FERPA. English  En Español

English Learner Parents’ Bill of Rights 
The NYS Education Department's Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages has created an English Language Learner Parents' Bill of Rights which summarizes critical rights concerning educational access and programming for ELLs and their parents. This one-page fact sheet summarizes the key rights and is available in Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Dari, English, French, German, Guyanese English CreoleHaitian, Hindi, Italian, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Pashto, PolishPortuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, and Vietnamese.

Guide for Parents of English Language Learner in New York State 
This ten page booklet includes Bilingual Education and English as a New Language program descriptions, Frequently Asked Questions about English Language Learners and Multilingual Learners, Facts about Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, links to English Language Learner parent resources, and tips on “Participating in Your Child’s Education.” This booklet is available in Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional)English, French, German, Haitian, Hindi, Italian, JapaneseKaren, Korean, NepaliPortuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, and Vietnamese.

Parent Orientation Video: English Language Learner (ELL) Programs in New York State 
This video describes the English Language Learner (ELL) identification and assessment process and outlines in detail various available program options. It also describes the differences between English as a New Language and the various Bilingual Education program models. Watch the video in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional)English, French, Haitian, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.

Why Parents Choose Bilingual Education (videos) 
This video shares parents’ views about why they chose bilingual programs and how their choices impact their children’s education and their families’ experiences overall. The video is available in Chinese, English, and Spanish.


New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) 
The purpose of the NYSITELL is to assess the English language level of new students whose home or primary language is other than English. Your child’s score on the NYSITELL (Entering, Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding, or Commanding) will determine if he or she is entitled to receive English Language Learner (ELL) services and will determine the level of English language support. The results will also help teachers plan the best program for your child based on his or her strengths and needs in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. A guide to this assessment is available in Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English, French, Haitian, Hindi, Japanese, Karen, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Ukrainian, Urdu, and Uzbek.

New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) 
The NYSESLAT is given annually to all students who are identified as English Language Learners (ELLs). The purpose of the NYSESLAT is to assess the English language proficiency level of ELLs enrolled in Grades K–12 in New York State schools. The test gives the state, schools, parents, and teachers important information about the English language development of ELLs and MLs. A guide to this assessment is available in Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English, French, Haitian, Hindi, Japanese, Karen, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Ukrainian, and Urdu.

Parent Guide to Understanding the NYSESLAT Score Report 
This document is intended to help families, students, educators, and the public to better understand the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) and interpret the 2017 NYSESLAT Score Report for each English Language Learner (ELL).  It is available in ArabicBengali, Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish.


How Test Questions are Created in New York State (Videos) 
These videos provide an overview of how questions are created for the New York State assessments.  These videos are available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish.

Parent's FAQs about Grades 3-8 ELA and Mathematics Tests 
The Grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Tests are administered in the spring to students across New York State. These answers to frequently asked questions are available in Arabic, Bengali, ChineseFrenchEnglish, Haitian, Karen, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, and Uzbek.


Parent's Guide to New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards 
A Parent's Guide that provides answers to common questions about the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards and connects parents with additional science education resources to support learning at home is available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English, French, Haitian, Karen, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, and Uzbek.


Guidance and Resources to Combat Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination in Schools in Light of Recent Immigration-related Actions 
This February 27, 2017 memorandum provides guidance and resources to combat harassment, bullying, and discrimination in light of recent immigration-related actions. This memorandum is available in 28 languages: Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, English, French, Fulani, Haitian, Hindi, Japanese, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Mandingo, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tajik, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Yiddish and Wolof.

Resources for Understanding 
To support the New York State Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), the New York State Education Department has developed a packet of resources including a “Harassment Know Your Rights Flyer”, “Incident Reporting Form”, and “List of School Responsibilities”.  These packets are also available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, Haitian, Karen, Nepali, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.


ESSA Parent Fact Sheets 
These one-page fact sheets for parents summarize and explain New York State’s final ESSA plan. The fact sheets are available in Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, English, French, Haitian, Japanese, Karen, Nepali, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Urdu, and Uzbek.

ESSA Accountability Fact Sheets for Parents 
These one-page ESSA fact sheets for parents summarize New York State’s ESSA accountability system and provides information on how schools are classified. The fact sheets are available in Arabic, BengaliChinese, English, French, Haitian, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.


Parents: Fight Flu at Home and School 
This one-page informational guide from the NYS Department of Health provides information for parents and families on the flu – its symptoms, what to do if your child gets the flu, and how to prevent the spread of the flu.  It is available in English, Spanish, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, and Russian.

The Flu: A Guide for Parents  
This is a two-page informational guide from the NYS Department of Health for parents regarding the flu.  It is available in Chinese, English, Haitian, Italian, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.

Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance for the 2023-24 School Year  
This one-page informational guide from the NYS Department of Health provides information for parents and families on the immunization requirements for children to enroll and attend school for the 2023-2024 school year.  It is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Urdu, and Yiddish.


High School Diploma and Graduation Requirements

NYS Seal of Biliteracy 
The Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages has created one-page informational briefs about the NYS Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) for students and families in the ten most common languages of English Language Learners in New York State: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian, Karen, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, and Uzbek.

Roadmap to College for English Language Learners 
This tri-fold brochure provides families and students with information about the steps in preparing for college. It is available in ArabicBengaliEnglishFrench, Haitian, Karen, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.


Enrollment: Know Your Rights
This guidance affirms that every student between the ages of 5 and 21 has the right to a free public education in New York, regardless of the student's nationality or immigration status. It's available in Arabic, Chinese, English and Spanish

Guidance Regarding Rights of Undocumented Students to Attend School  
This February 27, 2017 communication underscores the right of undocumented students to enroll in schools and questions that may be asked of undocumented enrollees. This communication is available in 28 languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, EnglishFrench, Fulani, Haitian, Hindi, Japanese, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Mandingo, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali​, Spanish, Tajik, Urdu, Uzbek, Yiddish, Vietnamese, and Wolof.

Guide to Community-Based Organizations for Immigrants  
This Guide to Community-Based Organizations for Immigrants provides a list of organizations throughout New York State. Each organization offers a variety of services.  Parents of ELLs and former ELLs are encouraged to contact these organizations when they need assistance. The guides are organized by the New York State region and is available in 11 languages. Read more

NYSED a Guide to Understanding the New Rules for School Registration  
This New York State Education guide provides basic information for parents and families on how to register for their children in a New York State school.  This guide is available in English and Spanish.

Starting School in the United States: A Guide for Newcomer Students' Families  
This Guide provides answers to many questions newcomer families may have about the U.S. education system. It is available in Arabic, English, Somali, and Spanish.

School Information for Parents Brochure  
This brochure provides newly arrived immigrant parents with basic information about schools.  The brochure is available in Arabic, English, Farsi, Karen, Nepali, and Spanish.


Working with Special Needs Students Remotely (3 videos) 
This 3-part webinar series is dedicated to parents and families of multilingual learners with disabilities. Parents and families will learn about how they can support their children remotely:

  1. Universal Design for Learning During Remote Learning
  2. Your Child’s Social Emotional Needs
  3. Reading with your Children

This series is available in ArabicBengali, ChineseEnglishRussian, and Spanish.

Mindfulness and Conflict Resolution During a Time of Crisis 
This 6-part webinar series is dedicated to parents and families of multilingual learners.  Parents and families will learn strategies to deal with their children during times of disruption and crisis:   

  1. Accepting What Is
  2. Controlling the Uncontrollable
  3. Conflict Resolution and De-escalation Techniques
  4. Acknowledging, Accepting and Allowing
  5. Mindfulness Techniques and Stress Relief
  6. Reaching Out for Help

This series is available in ArabicBengali, ChineseEnglish, FrenchHaitianKarenRussianSpanish, Urdu, and Uzbek.


Welcome Families of Emergent Multilingual Learners to Prekindergarten in New York State 
The Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages has created this two-page brochure to answer critical questions concerning the use of the home language for parents and families whose prekindergarten children’s home language is other than English.  This brochure is available in  Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (simplified)English, French, Haitian, Karen, Russian, SpanishUrdu, and Uzbek.

Prekindergarten in New York State - Family Frequently Asked Questions Answered 
The Office of Early Learning has prepared this Prekindergarten Family Frequently Asked Questions Answered document for families with helpful questions and answers to the most commonly asked topics about prekindergarten eligibility.  This document is available in  Arabic, Bengali, ChineseEnglish, French, Haitian, Karen, Russian, Spanish, and Uzbek.


A Parent's Guide to Response to Intervention 
This pamphlet provides parents, families and others with information regarding Response to Intervention (RtI).  RtI is a process used in schools to provide well-designed instruction, closely monitor all students’ progress and provide additional instructional support to students who are struggling. It is available in Chinese, English, Haitian, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.

Procedural Safeguards Notice: Rights for Parents of Children with Disabilities, Ages 3-21 
This Procedural Safeguards Notice is required to be sent to parents of children with disabilities, ages 3-21, at least once annually. It is available in English, Arabic, Bengali, French, Haitian Creole, Italian, Karen, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Urdu, Uzbek, Yiddish.


Fun Home Learning 
This one-page guide provides parents with at home activities that would support their children’s learning.  It is available in ArabicBengaliChineseEnglishFrenchHaitianKarenRussianSpanishUrdu, and Uzbek.