Articles and Supplementary Materials
- December 2014 - Collaboration and Co-Teaching: What Every Educator Needs to Know
- Fall 2014 - Co-Teaching: A Look-Back, a Look-Ahead, and the Look-Fors, by Andrea Hognisfeld and Maria G. Dove
- June 2014: PPT - Co-Teaching and Collaboration for Teachers of ELLs - LI RBERN
- May 2014: PPT - Co-Teaching for ELLS, by Andrea Hognisfeld with special thanks to Maria G. Dove
- January 2014: Analysis of the Implementation of an ESL Coteaching Model in a Suburban Elementary School by Maria G. Dove, Andrea Honigsfeld
- February 2012: Collaborative Practices to Support All Students, by Andrea Hognisfeld and Maria G. Dove
- June 2011: A Second Set of Eyes and Ears - Observation Protocol Boosts skills for Teachers of ELL Students, by Vicky Giouroukakis, Audrey Cohan, Jacqueline Nenchin, and Andrea Honigsfeld
- Spring 2010: Co-Teaching 201 - How to Support Your ELLs, by Andrea Hognisfeld and Maria G. Dove
- March 2010: From Isolation to Partnership - ESL Co-Teaching Leads to Teacher Leadership, by Andrea Hognisfeld and Maria G. Dove
- Winter 2008: Co-Teaching in the ESL Classroom, by Andrea Hognisfeld and Maria G. Dove