A3SR alum Visualization Competition Winner, Dorothy Seaman
The winning visualization, submitted by A3SR alum Dorothy Seaman, for 2021 shows that 22% of Kindergarteners citywide enroll in non-charter public schools other than their zoned public schools compared to 9% who enroll in charter.
In the 2012-2013 school year, 31% of NYC public school Kindergarteners did not enroll in their zoned (i.e. assigned) public school. Of this group, more Kindergarteners enrolled in non-charter public schools (22%) than in charter schools (9%). Across the 32 NYC school districts, charter schools were more popular than non-zoned public schools in only two districts. This map supports a research study of NYC public and charter school enrollment and student achievement trends lead by Drs. Ying Lu, Sharon L. Weinberg, and Meryle Weinstein.
*Yellow asterisk indicates districts with more Kindergarteners enrolled in charter schools than non-zoned public schools
Source: 2021-2013 Data from NYC Department of City Planning and NYC Department of Education. Students living in District 1 and District 23 Elementary School Choice districts are non-zoned if enrolled in a non-charter public school outside the district.