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Navigating Adolescence, Sexuality, and Gender as an Autist

This Nest Support Project workshop explores adolescence, sexuality and gender. Autistic advocate and licensed mental health counselor, Honey Schneider, discusses the necessary building blocks to engage your child in healthy and meaningful discussions about sexuality, consent, and boundaries.

Addressing Challenging Behavior: A Nest Parent Guide

Nest Support Project's Instructional Support Specialist, Yalda Heshmati, discusses how the Nest Program defines and seeks to understand behavior, as well as how to use connection and co-regulation to support success.

Nest Family Workshop: Co-Regulation

Dr. Michelle Lee and Nest Support Project's Instructional Support Specialist, Yalda Heshmati, introduce the idea of co-regulation. The speakers provide examples of what this looks like at school, as well as identifying strategies for co-regulation at home.

Nest Family Workshop: Building Routines at Homes

Dr. Michelle Lee and Nest Support Project's Instructional Support Specialist, Yalda Heshmati, identify why routines are helpful for individuals and families. The speakers also explore ways to establish routines at home, as well as sharing methods to provide supports when routines change.

Nest Family Workshop: Building Resiliency

Dr. Michelle Lee and Nest Family Panelists discuss building resiliency during challenging times and strategies to promote healing, increasing independence and restoring our child or teen’s self confidence.

Nest Graduate Presentation

Presentation by Benny Reyes, a Nest Program graduate and college student pursuing Occupational Therapy. He is joined by his father and social worker to discuss his journey in the Nest Program and beyond.

Dr. Lynda Geller on Adolescent Development

What to expect in this period of important social, personality, and academic change for young people on the autism spectrum.

Dr. Lynda Geller on Disclosure

What to expect in this period of important social, personality, and academic change for young people on the autism spectrum.

Dr. Charles Cartwright on Medication

How psychopharmacology is sometimes used in the treatment of core features of autism and associated conditions.

Dr. Gillian Boudreau on Anxiety

How to recognize and understand anxious patterns among children and adolescents with ASD, plus effective treatment options to effectively reduce anxiety at home.

Susan Brennan on the Social World of Adolescence

What are the challenges of the adolescent social world, and how do we harness the power of strengths and interests to motivate social engagement.

Dr. Stephen Shore on Relationships and Sexuality

Understanding and supporting the feelings and social challenges for people on the autism spectrum in the area of sexuality and intimate relationships.

Jesse Saperstein on Transition to Adulthood

Advice and suggestions from Jesse's personal experience, on supporting life after high school, when increased independence is required.

Susan Brennan on Perspectives Lab

The latest information about the middle school social therapeutic intervention, Perspectives Lab

Dr. Gillian Boudreau on Social Hangouts for Teens

Tips on helping your teenager reach out to friends to make plans for activities outside of school

Amy Gravino on ASD & Girls

Helpful insight on the experience of being a woman with ASD, with advice for families to understand and empower their daughters on the autism spectrum

Self-advocate Panel on Tips for Families

Four autistic self-advocates reflect on their experience growing up autistic, with advice for families about understanding and supporting children's needs

Dr. Gillian Boudreau on Creating an Environment of Calm

How to actively create a home environment and a relational style can help reduce anxiety at home and foster growth and development

Dena Gassner on Self-advocacy

Learn how to give language to difficult moments and help children understand how they perceive the world differently