
The ASD Nest Model:
A Framework for Inclusive Education for Higher Functioning Children on the Autism Spectrum
Edited by Shirley Cohen & Lauren Hough
Published by AAPC

Everyday Classroom Strategies and Practices for Supporting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
By Jamie D. Bleiweiss, Lauren Hough & Shirley Cohen
Published by AAPC
Publications by Nest Support Project team members and Nest school staff
Characterization and Utilization of Preferred Interests: A Survey of Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Kristie Patten Koenig & Lauren Hough Williams
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
January 2017
Verb Morphology in Egyptian Arabic Developmental Language Impairment
Donia Fahim
Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics
January 2017
Let's Talk: Navigating Communication Services and Supports for Your Young Child with Autism
Rhea Paul & Donia Fahim
Brookes Publishing
The ASD Nest Middle/High School Model for Inclusive Education
Aaron Lanou
Autism Spectrum News
Summer 2015
Around the World: Supporting Young Children with ASD who are Dual Language Learners
Donia Fahim & Kelly Nedwick
Young Exceptional Children
June 2014
Inclusion and Innovation: Supporting employees on the autism spectrum
Lauren Hough & Kristie Patten Koenig
Mental Health Works Quarterly
Partnership for Workplace Mental Health, American Psychiatric Association, Inc.
Social Diversity: Leveraging the power of an inclusive workforce
Lauren Hough & Kristie Patten Koenig
OT Practice
February, 2014
Issues in Implementing a Comprehensive Intervention for Public School Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Kristie Patten Koenig , Jill M. Feldman , Dorothy Siegel , Shirley Cohen & Jamie Bleiweiss (2014) Issues in Implementing a Comprehensive Intervention for Public School Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 42(4), 248-263
Assessing Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Donia Fahim & Rhea Paul. In Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, 4th Edition, Volkmar, F.R., Paul, R., Rogers, S.J., & Pelphrey, K.A. (eds), 2014. (link to publisher)
Planning Morning Meetings for Students with ASD
By Aaron Lanou. Responsive Classroom Newsletter, Summer 2014.
Harnessing Strengths: Daring to Celebrate EVERYONE'S Unique Contributions
Winnie Dunn, Kristie Patten Koenig, Jane Cox, Dory Sabata, Ellen Pope, Lauren Foster, & Angela L. Blackwell. (2013). Harnessing Strengths: Daring to Celebrate EVERYONE'S Unique Contributions. Developmental Disabilities. March 2013.
Authentic Partnerships With Adults With Autism
Kotler, P. D. & Koenig, K. (2012). Authentic Partnerships With Adults With Autism. OT Practice. February 6, 2012, 6-12.
Case Studies in Using Strengths and Interests to Address the Needs of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Aaron Lanou, Lauren Hough & Elizabeth Powell (2011). Case Studies in Using Strengths and Interests to Address the Needs of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Intervention in School and Clinic, 47(3), 175-183.
Collaborative Team Teaching: The ASD Nest Program, Part 1: The Collaborative Mindset
Jacqueline Dowd, Stacy Emspak, Hannah Goldstein, Patricia Mahalko, Donna Mizrahi, Melissa Puglisi, Tamara Restrepo, Jen Toplan, & Dolores Troy-Quinn, Autism Asperger’s Digest, September/October, 2010
Collaborative Team Teaching: The ASD Nest Program, Part 2: The “Nitty Gritty” – Getting Started
Patricia Mahalko & Dolores Troy-Quinn, Autism Asperger’s Digest, November/December, 2010
When New Things Are Exciting
Natalia Arredondo, Autism Asperger’s Digest, November/December, 2010
Strategies for Supporting the Inclusion of Young Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Cohen, S., Bleiweiss, J., Mouzakitis, A., & Fahim, D. (2010). Strategies for Supporting the Inclusion of Young Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Focus on Inclusive Education, 8 (1), 1-7.
The ASD Nest Program
Koenig, K. P., Bleiweiss, J., Brennan, S., Cohen, S., & Siegel, D. (2009). The ASD nest program: A model for inclusive public education for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(1), 6-13.
When I Get Mad: Anger Management and Self-Regulation in the Classroom
Maas, C., Mason, R., & Candler, C. (2008). When I Get Mad: Anger Management and Self-Regulation in the Classroom. OT Practice. October 20, 2008, 11-16.
Nest in the Media
When Nest is best
Like many other 6th-graders, 11-year-old Adam plays Minecraft, watches sports and is a whiz at puzzles. In school, although he's fascinated with the dates and historical figures he learns about in social studies, he struggles to connect with his peers during group work and sometimes yells loudly to make his displeasure known.
Making Room in Class for Children With Autism to Blossom
"In Nest, teachers do a lot of modeling of appropriate social interaction. In a third-grade class, Michelle Dragisics divided the students into small groups to measure polygons in tape on the floor. In each group, one person was to take the measurements, one was supposed to help and another was to record."
Nest classroom supports students with autism
Getting Students With Autism Through High School, To College And Beyond
Colin Ozeki, 17, doesn't like to sugarcoat how autism spectrum disorder has affected his interactions with others, his emotions and his own self-confidence. He sees it as an issue to confront, something about himself to work on and improve in order to fully participate in life around him.
Danish school is role model for inclusion of kids with autism, November 2015
Back to School with the ASD Nest Program
Autism Speaks, September 2015
New York program fulfills promise of inclusive education
Simons Foundation, May 30, 2011
A Schoolwide 'Movement' -- Occupational and physical therapists keep PS 396 moving
Dorothy Calaci, May 10, 2012