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Manuscripts Submitted and In Progress


Hallin, A. E. & Reuterskiöld, C.(to be published fall 2020). Värt att veta om språkstörning. (Worth knowing about developmental language disorder). Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, Sweden

Reuterskiöld, C.Hallin, A. E., Nair, V., & Hansson, K. Morphosyntactic challenges for Swedish-speaking children with developmental language disorders in comparison with L1 and L2 peers: A review. (in review)

Trembath, D., Nair, V., Siyambalapitiya, S., Reuterskiöld, C & Paynter, J. Longitudinal social-communication outcomes in children with autism raised in bi/multilingual environments (in review)

Clark, G. & Reuterskiöld, C. Word Learning & the Orthographic Facilitation Effect: A Systematic Quantitative Review. (in preparation)

Reuterskiöld, C., Matula, E., & Fishman. I. Word learning, orthographic support and language skills in children with and without autism (in preparation)

Nair, V., Siyambalapitiya, S., & Reuterskiöld, C. A systematic quantitative review of language intervention in bilingual children with developmental language disorders. (in preparation)

Reuterskiöld, C., Addis, H. Matula, E. & Fishman. I. Technology-supported narrative intervention in children with autism. (in preparation)

Clark, G., Jing, L., Nair, V. & Reuterskiöld, C.  Effects of Verbal Working Memory Training in Monolingual &L2 Speakers: An Eye-Tracking Study (in preparation)



Jing, L, Vermeire, K, Mangino, A. & Reuterskiöld, C. (2019). Rhyme awareness in children with normal hearing and children with cochlear implants: an exploratory study. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02072


Hallin, A., E. & Reuterskiöld, C (2018). Effects of frequency and morpho-syntactic structure on error detection, correction, and repetition in Swedish-speaking childrenApplied  Psycholinguistics.


Hallin, A. E., & Reuterskiöld, C. 2017. Error Type and Lexical Frequency Effects: Error Detection in Swedish Children With Language Impairment. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. Vol. 60, 2924-2934, doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-L-16-0294


Van Den Heuvel, E., Reuterskiöld, C., Solot, C., Manders, E., Swillen, A. & Zink, I. 2016.
Referential Communication Abilities in Children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Hallin, AE., Garcia, G. D., & Reuterskiöld, C. 2016. The Use of Causal Language and Filled Pauses in Children with and without Autism. Child Development Research, Volume 2016, ID 8535868


Reuterskiöld, C., & Grigos, M. (2015). Nonword repetition and speech motor control in children. Biomed Res Int. 2015, 683279.


Reuterskiöld, C., & Van Lancker Sidtis, D. (2013). Retention of idioms following one-time exposure. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 29(2), 219-231.


Reuterskiöld, C., Hansson, K., & Sahlén, B. (2011). Narrative skills in Swedish children with language impairment. Journal of Communication Disorders, 44, 733–744.

Samuelsson, C., Reuterskiöld, C., Nettelbladt, U., & Sahlén, B. (2011). Production and perception of metrical patterns in Swedish children with language impairment. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 36(1), 1-11.


Reuterskiöld, C., Ibertsson, T., & Sahlén, B. (2010). Venturing beyond the sentence level: Narrative skills in children with hearing loss. Volta Review, 110(3), 389.


Magnusson, E. Nauclér K., and Reuterskiöld-Wagner, C. Språk, läsning och lärande. Skolbarn med språkstörning. (Language, Reading and Learning) In (2008;2010) L. Hartelius, U. Nettelbladt och B. Hammarberg (Eds.) Handbok i Logopedi. (Handbook in Logopedics.) Lund: Studentlitteratur. 


Sahlen, B., Hansson, K. Ibertsson, T. & Reuterskiöld-Wagner, C. (2005). A comparative study on reading in primary school age children with hearing impairment and children with specific language impairment. Acta Neuropsychologia, 1, 393-407. 

Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C., Sahlén, B. & Nyman, A. (2005). Non-word repetition and non-word discrimination in Swedish preschool childrenClinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 34, 337-352.

Reuterskiöld - Wagner, C. and Nettelbladt, U. (2005). Tor. A case study of a boy with autism between the age of three and eight. Child Language Teaching and Learning, 21, 123-145.


Nettelbladt, U. and Reuterskiold-Wagner, C. 2004. Nar samspillet ikke fungerer – pragmatisk sprogforstyrrelse. In Bjar, L. and Liberg, C. (Eds.) Barn utvecklar sitt språk. (Children develop their language.) 173-193. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Danish translation. 


Nettelbladt, U. and Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C. 2003;2010. När samspelet inte fungerar – pragmatisk språkstörning. (When interaction is not functional – pragmatic language impairment). In Bjar, L. and Liberg, C. (Eds.) Barn utvecklar sitt språk. (Children develop their language.) 173-193. Lund: Studentlitteratur


Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C., Nettelbladt, U. & Sahlén, B. (2001). Giving the crucial information. Performance on a referential communication task in Swedish children with language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders36(4), 433-445.

Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C. 2001. Språksvårigheter i förskoleåldern. (Language impairment in preschool children). Information from ASLA (Association Suedoise de Linguistique Appliqué) 27:2, 35-41. (Information from the Swedish Association for Applied Linguistics).


Reuterskiöld-Wagner, C. Språkstörning i förskoleåldern.(Language impairment in preschool children.) In Incitament, 2000. 4, 158-160. 

Reuterskiöld- Wagner, C., Sahlén, B. & Radeborg, R.  2000. Speed and Context. The effect of a sentence prime on naming speed in children with language impairment. In Clinical Linguistics and Phoneticsvol.14, no.5, 369-385. 

Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C., Nettelbladt, U. Sahlén, B.& Nilholm, C. 2000. Conversation versus narration in preschool children with language impairment. InInternational Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, vol 35, 337-352. 

Sahlén,B., Radeborg,K., Reuterskiöld Wagner, C., Friberg, C. & Rydahl, L. 2000. Presentation of a computer based method for the assessment of naming speed in preschool children. In  Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, vol 25 no. 3, 115-121. 


Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C. 1999. Language Processing and Contextual Influence. A study of Swedish preschool children with language impairment. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Reuterskiöld -Wagner, C., Sahlén, B. &  Nettelbladt, U. 1999. What’s the story? Narration and comprehension in Swedish preschool children with language impairment. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, vol 15, no 2, 83-93. 

Sahlén, B., Reuterskiöld- Wagner, C., Nettelbladt, U. & Radeborg, K. 1999. Language comprehension and nonword repetition in children with language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 13, (5), 369-380.  

Sahlén, B.& Reuterskiöld -Wagner.C. (1999). Jumping to conclusions: Children with LI need a theory of mind to comprehend idioms. Journal of Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 24(2), 1401-5439.

Sahlén, B. Reuterskiöld- Wagner, C., Nettelbladt, U. and Radeborg, K. (1999). Non-word repetition in children with language impairment: Pitfalls and possibilities. In International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 34(3), 337-352.


Sahlén, B,  Reuterskiöld-Wagner, C. & Wigforss, E. (1996). Language preschool children six years later. A follow-up study from language preschool to grade 4 and 5. Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics, Phoniatrics & Vocology. 21, 75-83.


Reuterskiöld, C. (1991). The effects of emotionality and auditory comprehension in aphasia. Cortex27, 595-604.