NYU OT Department Library
Located in our space in Pless Hall, the NYU OT Department Library houses a collection of occupational therapy-related books, journals, dissertations, and newsletters. Current students are invited to use the library as a resource with permission from a faculty member during scheduled hours. You will be asked to sign in and leave your NYU ID at the front desk and to refrain from photocopying library materials.
Class Officers
First-Year Students
- Co-Chairs: Rachel Kurtz & Andie Ratilla
- Secretary: Emma Wions
- Co-Treasurers: Mackenzie Donovan & Morgan Brog
- GSO Representatives: Oluwabukola Elliott & Irene Park
- NYSOTA Representative: Elizabeth Rotter
- AOTA Representative: Anela Panlasigue
- Web Content Co-Chairs: Anna Babahanova & Sofia Valenzuela
- Social Committee Co-Chairs: Maggie Elliott, Talia Aaron, Ashley Callea & Gabrielle Goldman
- Community and International Outreach Co-Chairs: Tess Vincent & Morgan Brog
Second-Year Students
- Co-Chairs: Oscar Cruz & Brett Landin
- Secretary: Talia Rubino
- Treasurer: Hannah Leshman
- GSO Representative: Francesca Martino
- NYSOTA Representative: Erik Morgan
- AOTA Representative: Bella McKenna
- Web Content Chair: Arielle Finklestein
- Social Committee Chairs: Abby Kimmel, Caroline Norwood, and Lauren Solouki
- Community and International Outreach Chairs: Josey Cruz, Isabella Roffo, Peter Hardy, and Sarah Murphy