Student Manuals
For access to these manuals, make sure you're logged into Gmail with your NYU email account
Doctoral Handbook
- For Doctoral Students matriculated prior to Fall 2023:
- Department of Occupational Therapy Post-Professional Doctoral Student Handbook - Matriculated Prior to Fall 2023 (for access, make sure you're logged into Gmail with your NYU email account)
- For Doctoral Students matriculated Fall 2023 or After:
- 2023-2024 Department of Occupational Therapy Post-Professional Doctoral Student Handbook (for access, make sure you're logged into Gmail with your NYU email account)
- 2024-2025 Department of Occupational Therapy Post-Professional Doctoral Student Handbook (for access, make sure you're logged into Gmail with your NYU email account)
Department Forms
Please be sure to save advisement forms onto your computer and open with system viewer to make changes.
Immunization Documentation for 1st Year Students
Annual Health Assessment
Sample Medical Clearance Form
Elective Course Approval Form
Professional Elective Approval Form
Post-Professional Elective Approval Form
Post-Professional Student Advisement
For access, make sure you're logged into Gmail with your NYU email account
Master of Arts (OTTH-MA) Advisement Form
Doctor of Philosophy (OTHX-PHD) Advisement Form
Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTHS-OTD) Advisement Form - Pre Fall 2023 Matriculation
Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTHS-OTD) Advisement Form - Fall 2023 Matriculation or After