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References for Parent Leadership and Organizing for Justice: A Landscape Analysis

Alameda-Lawson, T., & Lawson, M. A. (2019). Ecologies of Collective Parent Engagement in Urban Education. Urban Education, 54(8), 1085–1120.

Bolivar, J. M., & Chrispeels, J. H. (2011). Enhancing Parent Leadership Through Building Social and Intellectual Capital. American Educational Research Journal, 48(1), 4–38.

Chen, C., Paul, & Gorski, C. (2015). Burnout in Social Justice and Human Rights Activists: Symptoms, Causes and Implications. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 7(3), 366–390.

Cossyleon, J. E. (2018). “Coming Out of My Shell”: Motherleaders Contesting Fear, Vulnerability, and Despair through Family-focused Community Organizing. Socius, 4: 1-13.

Cossyleon, J. E. & Spitz, G. (2021). “Collaborating then Stepping Back: Doing Public Sociology through Participatory Action Research. Pp. 69-78 in Hossfeld, L., Kelly, E. B., & Hossfeld, C. (Eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Public Sociology. Taylor & Francis Group.

Cossyleon, J.E. & Geller, J.D. (2022). Collective Parent Action: A Review of Motivations, Experiences, and Social Transformations. Sociology Compass, 16(12), 1-13.

Davison, K., Charles, J., Khandpur, N., & Nelson, T. (2017). Fathers’ Perceived Reasons for Their Underrepresentation in Child Health Research and Strategies to Increase Their Involvement. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 21(2), 267–274.

Dyrness, A. (2011). Mothers United: An Im/migrant Struggle for Socially Just Education. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

García, J. J., Grills, C., Villanueva, S., Lane, K. A., Takada-Rooks, C., & Hill, C. D. (2020). Analyzing the Landscape: Community Organizing and Health Equity. Journal of Participatory Research Methods, 1(1).

Geller, J.D., Luiz, J., Asher, D., McAlister, S. Henderson, A.T., Gill Kressley, K., Perez, W.Y. & Joy Sanzone (Eds.) (2019). The Ripple Effect in Action: What Seven Parent Leadership Initiatives Learned from Participatory Evaluation. New York, NY: NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, and Dialogues in Action.

Ginwright, S. (2018, May 31). The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement. Medium. healing-shifting-from-trauma-informed-care-to-healing-centered-engagement-634f557ce69c

Henderson, Anne, and Kate Gill Kressley. (2016). “Capturing the Ripple Effect: Developing a Theory of Change for Evaluating Parent Leadership Initiatives, Final Report Phase I.”

Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University. http://parentleadershipevaluation.

Hong, S. (2011). A Cord of Three Strands: A New Approach to Parent Engagement in Schools. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

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Jimenez, E., Tokunaha, J., & Wolin, J. (November, 2019). Scan of the field of healthing-centered organizing: Lessons learned. Forum for Community Solutions, Aspen Institute. https://

Kawashima-Ginsberg, K. & Thomas, N. (May, 2013). Civic engagement and political leadership among women — a call for solutions. CIRCLE Fact Sheet. files/2019-12/civic_engagement_political_leadership_women_2013.pdf

McAlister, S. & Geller, J.D. (2018). Evaluation for Equity: Measuring What Matters in Parent Leadership Initiatives. files/inline-files/PLI_ConceptPaper.pdf

Perez, W.Y., Geller, J.D., & Henderson, A.T. (2022). Learning and pushing together: How a Community of Diverse Parent Leaders Across the Country Are Advancing Racial Equity During a Pandemic. New York, NY: NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools.

Valladares, S., Valladares, M.R., Garcia, M., Baca, K., Kirshner, B., Terriquez, V., Sanchez, J., & Kroehle, K. (2020). 20 Years of Youth Power: The 2020 National Youth Organizing Field Scan. Funders Collaborative on Youth Organizing. resources/20-years-of-youth-power-the-2020-national-youth-organizing-field-scan_ resource_609d4a85ebe152ee0283274e.pdf

Warren, M., Mapp, K.L. & the Community Organizing and School Project. (2011). A Match on Dry Grass: Community Organizing as a Catalyst for School Reform. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation. (n.d.) Cultivating a community of champions for children through transformative family engagement. community-of-champions-for-children-through-transformative-family-engagement.html


Read Appendix A: Contributors