In January 2021 four organizations that develop parents as leaders, in partnership with the NYU Metro Center and funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, committed to advancing parent-led racial equity projects in New Mexico, Mississippi, New York, and Washington. This racial equity peer learning and inquiry community is part of a broad body of work that began with the Parent Leadership Indicators Project.
Parent Organizing for Racial Equity Case Study #1: Greater Rochester Parent Leadership and Training Institute (PLTI)
Using the Ripple Effect Theory of Change, parent leaders have explored ways to evaluate their initiatives and share the impact they have on their communities. The Greater Rochester Parent Leadership and Training Institute’s mission is to equip Monroe County parents with advocacy skills to influence their community. It is a parent-informed non- partisan democracy initiative that increases civic leadership and impacts parents at home
and in the community.
Parent Organizing for Racial Equity Videos
Parent Organizing for Racial Equity Videos: Coming Soon
Parent Organizing for Racial Equity Resources
Parent Organizing for Racial Equity Resources