The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence has contracted with the Policy, Research, and Evaluation team at the NYU Metro Center to conduct a mixed methods evaluation of its Statewide Family Engagement Center, known as the "Kentucky Collaborative." The Kentucky Collaborative is a network of families, schools, districts, and community partners sharing a unified voice in advocating for family leadership and effective family-school-community partnerships. The Collaborative is guided by the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Home School Partnerships. Core to the KY Collaborative is the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership (CIPL), which develops the leadership skills and power of parents and families throughout Kentucky.
Research Questions:
1. How does the KY Collaborative support schools?
a. What is the depth of schools’ engagement in KY Collaborative offerings, and how
does engagement change over time?
b. How and to what extent are schools implementing the Dual Capacity-Building
Framework? How does this change over time?
c. What is the relationship between implementation of the Dual Capacity-Building
Framework and changes in family-school partnerships over time?
d. What is the relationship between changes in family-school partnerships and
changes in school-level outcomes (academic, attendance, discipline, school
2. How do CIPL fellows experience personal transformation, engage in collective action, influence public officials and school officials, and create more equitable educational systems? What conditions facilitate or hinder success?
3. How does the KY Collaborative support integrated, systemic, and sustainable family engagement? What conditions facilitate or hinder success?
We will conduct survey research in schools and case studies in three regions of the state to understand the implementation of the Dual Capacity Building Framework in schools, districts, and community-based organizations.