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Liberty Partnerships Program

The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) at NYU Metro Center offers students a framework through which they can grow and maintain their fluency in the systems and processes needed to advance past the high school level. NYU LPP tackles college and career readiness through an individualized approach that centers relationships with students and families to remove barriers to education systems and employment. NYU LPP works not only to improve the academic outcomes of our young people, but also to understand the critical role of families in college and career readiness, and actively invest in youths’ development and growth. 

While it is standard practice to look to measures such as graduation rates or college acceptance rates to indicate success, the LIberty Partnerships Program at NYU Metro Center takes a more expansive approach.

Image captures high school student graduating from high school. The student is wearing her dark blue colored cap and gown. The graduate has shoulder length brown hair that extends out the of her graduation cap. She wears a white collared top, as she smiles and addresses the camera.

In addition to improvement in grades and increases in college acceptance rates, at NYU LPP “college and career readiness” also means:

  • Social and emotional fluency
  • Forming and improving relationships
  • Becoming an active member of their educational community
  • Advocacy

The Liberty Partnerships Program 

at NYU Metro Center

The Liberty Partnerships Program at NYU Metro Center is one of 51 projects in New York State that operate under a 1989 law passed in order to decrease dropout rates in the state. NYU LPP centers engagement and community building in order to accomplish its goals as a college readiness and drop-out prevention program. The Liberty Partnerships Program at NYU Metro Center works not only to solidify relationships between students and administrators, offer counseling and enrichment services, and create community for students and families—but also to invest in the development of each young person as an individual and student. Learn more about the characteristics of the Liberty Partnerships Program.

NYU LPP proudly served more than 588 Students and Families during the Program Year.

Over this same period:

  • The Liberty Partnerships Program at NYU Metro Center carried out more than 221 trainings, workshops, seminars, and courses.
  • LPP’s 8-week summer program maintained a rate of 90% student retention.

The Liberty Partnerships Program at NYU Metro Center begins each program course with a Socio-Emotional Assessment that will then inform the creation of each student's individualized learning plan. Students engage in this assessment multiple times a year to capture their changing needs as well as their internal growth. In addition to the self, NYU LPP considers the environment and relationships of participating students. NYU LPP looks to relationship building as a primary path towards college readiness and drop-out prevention. The Liberty Partnerships Program at NYU Metro Centerworks to ensure that students have a network of support both during and out of school time by keeping open lines of communication with caregivers regarding what their students are learning and doing - in addition to program expectations, and offering a variety of learning opportunities in professional/life skills. NYU LPP also works to develop relationships between Advisory teachers, peer mentors, and participating students in order to better deliver services as well as expand students’ networks.  In order to strengthen students’ relationships to their education and develop their advocacy skills, NYU LPP works to ensure students become active members of their learning communities both in and beyond the high school level. In addition to direct work, NYU LPP also offers support to the students’ school counselors to ensure smooth transitions between grade levels.


Metro Center Intake Form

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The Liberty Partnerships Program provides comprehensive services designed to meet the academic, psychological, social and other developmental needs of high-risk students. The program fosters academic resilience resulting in high school completion, persistence in higher education and successful transitions into the world of work as productive members of society.