NYCPS Autism Nest Program
The NYCPS Specialized Programs in District Schools page states the following:
Autism Spectrum Disorders Programs
The Autism Nest Program and Autism Horizon programs are specialized programs that serve some autistic learners. They are available in some District 1-32 schools. The program is a partnership between the NYCPS and New York University’s (NYU) Nest Support Project.
Each program works to strengthen academic and social skills, but they have different eligibility criteria and serve students in different types of classes.
Nest Program Features
Class Structure
The program serves autistic learners in a classroom with general education students. The class is a small Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) class, with one special education teacher and one general education teacher. As students get older, the class size increases. There is no classroom paraprofessional.
Curriculum and Instruction
Classes follow the New York State Learning Standards and the same curriculum used in all DOE schools. Nest teachers are trained in specialized teaching strategies for students with autism, including a special social curriculum called Social Development Intervention (SDI) developed by NYU. SDI is an evidence-based program that supports social-emotional development.
Social-Emotional Supports
Related service providers use SDI to help students improve social functioning. This social language curriculum is taught in small groups.
“If children do not learn the way we teach them, then we must teach them the way they learn.”
For more information, see the Specialized Programs in District Schools page from the NYCPS.
Contact the NYC Public School's Autism Programs team at: