The goal of research conducted in this lab is to understand how best to develop effective, engaging, and efficient prevention, intervention, and service delivery models for youth at high-risk for and those affected with Disruptive Behavior Disorders (i.e., Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, and/or Conduct Disorder) and related conditions. An important focus is on children that are considered at heightened risk for poor outcomes owing to the presence of multiple contextual, familial, and inter/intrapersonal risk factors. Below are our current studies. If you are interested in learning more about any particular study, please contact us.
The goal of research conducted in this lab is to understand how best to develop effective, engaging, and efficient prevention, intervention, and service delivery models for youth at high-risk.
Student and Family Resources
Some useful websites/documents that address a variety of mental health issues as well as information on supporting behavioral and academic development in children.
Publications from the team at FACES Lab