Awarded as part of the foundation’s Post-secondary Education Challenge competition, StatsPL is a collaborative project to create an effective, low-cost courseware solution for introductory statistics. This courseware, STATS PL, will incorporate best-in-field personalized learning and assessment tools (Cerego), open education resources (OpenStax Statistics), and contextualized learning modules (NYU CREATE and others) on an open source learning framework (Open edX). Over the 36 months of this grant, STATS PL will expand from a pilot at Columbia College to around 100 colleges nationwide, reaching 100,000 students in credit-bearing courses, including high-numbers of low-income, minority, and military students. Another 200,000 students will experience STATS in non-Statistics courses or as a freely-available online course. CREATE will design and test interactive simulations to teach statistics, based on the experience in simulations design and research over the past ten years.
What is StatsSIMS?
StatsSIMS was developed for College students taking an Intro to Stats (Stats 101) course, but is also suitable for high school students taking statistics.
What's included?
The following simulations are currently included:
- Histograms
- Normal Distribution Explorer
- Binominal Distribution Explorer
- Central Limit Theorem
- Simple Random Sampling
- Frequency Tables vs. Histograms
- Dice Roller
- Confidence Intervals
- Regression Line Game
- Regression Line Explorer
- Correlation Coefficient (R)
- Chi Square Distribution
- F Distribution
- T Distribution
What's next?
Over the next months, we will add more simulations on additional topics, such as:
- One-sample t-test
- Two-Sample t-test
Funder Info
PI: Andrew Smith Lewis, CEREGO; Jan L. Plass
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation