Housed within the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, the Mindful Education Lab, directed by Dr. Joshua Aronson, oversees two parallel but connected programs - research and teacher training. Our Mindful Research Lab looks at the psychological and neurological effects of mindfulness on student learning, teacher effectiveness, and school and classroom climate.
This work, in turn, informs our Mindful Teacher Program (MTP), which offers professional development to schools by training educators (teachers, principals, school staff) in techniques to improve their lives both in and out of school. We also train high school students in mindfulness as part of the College Prep Academy, which prepares urban youth for success in college.
Educational interventions developed by Aronson and colleagues have been successful in boosting student achievement, well being, tests scores, and learning, and have been inducted into the Department of Education’s exclusive “What Works Clearinghouse,” a collection of school interventions of carefully vetted practices deemed worthy of using in America’s schools.
How We Work
Because every organization is different, we begin by meeting with key stakeholders to gain an understanding of your situation. We then use observational instruments, surveys, records of student achievement and conduct reports, among other methods as appropriate, to gain a deep understanding of the issues you wish to improve. We view this collaborative process as vital to understanding and addressing your needs, so that we can craft the most appropriate, effective interventions. We strive for a mutually respectful collaboration focused on constant improvement for the benefit of all, employees and administrators alike. We look forward to working with you.
The Mindful Education Lab collaborates closely with other leading neuroscience laboratories, including the META Lab at University of California, Santa Barbara, the Yale Center for Stress, and the Neuroscience and Education Lab at New York University, in an effort to combine cutting edge science with service to schools and companies across the country.
Our current projects include the School to Prosperity Pipeline, an initiative that supports children academically from age four through college, with the aim to promote academic, social, and psychological wellness. We are also working on developing the Drug-free ADHD Relief Project, focused on cognitive training that replaces or reduces the need to medicate children with attention difficulties.
Metro's MEL Sponsors the Learning and The Brain Conference
Metro's Mindful Education Lab will be a proud sponsor of the forthcoming Learning and The Brain Conference, Schooling Social Brains: Promoting Social Skills, Interactions, and Collaborations in a Digital Age.
NYC Elementary Schools Adopt Mindfulness
A growing number of NYC Elementary schools are adopting meditation and mindfulness programs for their students and teachers.
Our Team
Advisory Board and Collaborators
John T. Almarode, Ph.D.
Sarah Miller Luck Professor of Education
James Madison University,
Geoffrey Borman, Ph.D.
Alice Wiley Snell Endowed Professor, Arizona State University, President, Measured Decisions, Inc.
Mary M. Brabeck, Ph.D.
Dean Emeritus
Professor of Applied Psychology
New York University
Suzanne Donovan, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Strategic Education Research Partnership
Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.
Lewis & Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology
Andrew Hartz, Ph.D.
President, Open Therapy Institute
Margaret Honey, Ph.D.
President, Chief Executive Officer,
New York Hall of Science
Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.
Columbia University
The Psychology Podcast
Charlton Mcllwain, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Steinhardt School of Culture, Development, and Education
Associate Professor of Culture, Media & Communications
New York University
Kirin Kulkarni, Ph.D.
President, Casa Laxmi Foundation
Mark DiMassimo
CEO, DiMassimo Goldstein, Inc.
Matthew S. McGLone, Ph.D.
Professor of Communication Studies
Research Scientist, Center for Health Communication/Center for Identity
University of Texas, Austin
Anil Narang
Chairman, AC Business Media, Inc.
New York, NY
Pedro Noguera, Ph.D.
Dean, Distinguished Professor of Education
RossIer School of Education
University of Southern California
Pamela Paresky, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Director, Aspen Center for Human Development
Bob Roth, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
David Lynch Foundation
Claude M. Steele, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Stanford University
Jay Van Bavel, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Director, NYU Social Identity and Morality Lab
New York University
Tessa West, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Director of NYU Social Psychology and Emotion Lab
New York University
Kelly Williams
President, Learning And The Brain Inc.