Nisha Sajnani, Director of the NYU Steinhardt Program in Drama Therapy, is the Editor-in-Chief for Drama Therapy Review, the official peer-reviewed journal of the North American Drama Therapy Association.
Drama therapists unite counseling skills with the benefits of theatre. Practitioners boost wellbeing and support rehabilitation goals in children, adolescents, and adults through the use of imaginative play, metaphor, improvisation, storytelling, enactment, and performance.
Noticing trends in the field, Dr. Sajnani organized a special issue related to drama therapy, technology, and new media. This special issue was planned and assembled before the height of the COVID-19 pandemic but its release could not come at a more critical time. It is now available and is accessible online and through the NYU Library.
Some practitioners were already using various forms of technology to complement this kinesthetically oriented practice. However, drama therapists and students have needed to rapidly adjust to the global shift online. This special issue contributes further research to the rapidly moving conversation on digital mental health interventions.