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  • Burton, Robert, Bird, Stephen W. (1999) National Audubon Society. The Audubon Backyard Birdwatcher:Birdfeeders and Bird Gardens. CA: Thunder Bay Press.
  • Gilfillan, Merrill. (2003) Rivers & Birds. Boulder: Johnson Books.
  • Peterson, Roger Tory (Series Editor). (2002) A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5th edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.




  • Dwyer, Keith R. (1998) Estuaries: A Physical Introduction, 2nd edition. Milton: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Little, Colin. (2000) The Biology of Soft Shores and Estuaries (Biology of Habitats). Oxford: Oxford University Press.




  • Franklin, Bruce. (2007) The Most Important Fish in the Sea: Menhaden and America.Island Press; 1st edition.
  • Gilbert, Carter Rowell and James D. Williams. (2002) National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes, revised edition. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
  • McClane, A.J. (1978) McClane's Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of North America. New York: Henry Holt & Company, Inc.
  • National Audubon Society. (2002) National Audubon Society Field Guide to Fishes : North America. Knopf; Revised edition.
  • Ray, Carleton & C. Richard Robins. (1999) A Field Guide to Atlantic Coast Fishes: North America, 1986 edition, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Journal Articles:

  • Siemer, W.F. (2001). “Best practices for curriculum, teaching, and evaluation components of aquatic stewardship education” pp. 18-36 in A.J. Fedler (ed.). Defining Best Practices in Boating, Fishing, and Stewardship Education. Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation, Alexandria, VA (available as .pdf file from RBFF).
  • Siemer, W. F. and B. A. Knuth. (2001). “Effects of fishing education programs on antecedents of responsible environmental behavior” Journal of Environmental Education 32(4), 23-29.



  • Arduini, Paolo. Horenstein, Sidney.Teruzzi, Giorgio. (1987) Simon and Schuster's Guide to Fossils. Fireside publishing
  • Horenstein, Sidney. (1978) Big Strawberry Book of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals. Boston: E P Dutton.
  • Horenstein, Sidney. (1993) Rocks Tell Stories (Beyond Museum Walls). Brookfield: Millbrook Press.
  • Isachsen, Y.W. et al, (2000) Geology of New York: a simplified account, 2nd edition, New York State Museum Educational Leaflet 28.
  • Perlman, Raymond, Shaffer, Paul. R., Zim, Herbert S. (2001) Rocks, Gems and Minerals: A Golden Guide from St. Martin's Press. New York: St. Martin's Press.


Hudson River


  • Adams, G A. (1996) The Hudson River through the years. New York: Fordham University Press.
  • Adler, C.A. (2003) Walking Manhattan’s Rim: The Great Saunter. New York: Green Eagle Press.
  • Adler, C.A. (1997) Walking the Hudson, Batt to Bear: From the Battery to Bear Mountain. New York: Green Eagle Press.
  • Barlie, M., and J. Michaels. (1997) Let’s Take the Kids! Great Places to Go With Children in New York’s Hudson Valley: (Including the Catskills, the Adirondacks to Lake George the Berkshires, and Cooperstown). New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Barnhouse, L. W., and R. J. Klauda. (1988) Science Law and Hudson River Power Plants: A Case Study in Environmental Impact Assessment. Bethesda: American Fisheries Society.
  • Boyle, R. H. (1979) The Hudson River: A Natural and Unnatural History (The Norton Library; N 844). New York: W.W.Norton & Company.
  • Buttfield, H. (2000) Secret Life of Fishes: From Angels to Zebras on the Coral Reef. New York: Abrams Inc.
  • Buttenwieser, A. L., and R.A.M. Stern. (1999) Manhattan Water-Bound: Manhattan’s Waterfront from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • Dunwell, F.F. (1991) The Hudson River Highlands. New York: Columbia University Press. Glund, R. R. (1975) Lighthouses and Legends of the Hudson River. Library Research Associates, Inc.
  • Kornblum, W., P. Hamill. and O. Williams. (2002) At Sea in the City: New York from the Water’s Edge. New York: Algonquin Books.
  • La Rocco, B. (2004) Going Coastal New York City. New York: Going Coastal, Inc.
  • Limburg, K. E., M. A. Moran. and W. H. McDowell. (1986) The Hudson River Ecosystem (Springer Series on Environmental Management). New York: Springer Verlag.
  • Load, B. (1971) On the Banks of the Hudson: A view of Its History and Folklore. New York: Hill & Wang Publishers.
  • Luckenbach, M.E., R. Mann, & Wesson, J.E., (eds). (1999) Oyster reef habitat restoration: A synopsis of approaches. Gloucester Point: Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
  • McNeer, M. (1960) Hudson River of History. Champaign: Garrard Publishing Company. Richardson. (1979) The Hudson River Basin: Environmental Problems and Institutional Response. Academic Press.
  • Ruge, V. F. (1995) Life Along the Hudson: Wood Engravings of Hudson River Subjects from Harper’s weekly, 1859-1903. New York: Overlook Press.
  • Safina, C. (2002) Eye of the albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
  • Safina, C. (1999) Song For the Blue Ocean: Encounters Along the World’s Coasts and Beneath the Seas. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
  • Smith, C. L. (1992) Estuarine Research in the 1980’s: The Hudson River Environmental Society Seventh Symposium on Hudson River Ecology. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Stanne, Steve. (1996) The Hudson: An Illustrated Guide to the Living River. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
  • Tanacredi, J.T. (ed.) (2001) Limulus in the Limelight. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Teal, J., Teal, M. (1969) Life and Death of the Salt Marsh. New York: Balantine Books.
  • Voshell, J.R. Jr. (2002) A Guide to Common Freshwater Invertebrates of North America.
  • Granville: McDonald and Woodward Publishing Co.
  • Waldman, J. (2000) Heartbeats in the Muck: A Dramatic Look at the History, Sea life, and Environment of New York Harbor. Lyons Press.

Journal Articles:

  • Breitburg, D.L., Coen, L, Luckenbach, M., Mann, R., & Posey, M. (2000). “Oyster reef restoration: Meeting both harvest and ecological goals”. Journal of Shellfish Research 19 (1), 371-77.
  • Chu, F.L.E., Soudant, P., Cruz-Rodriguez,L.A., & Hale, R.C. (2000). “PCB uptake and accumulation by oysters (Crassostrea virginica) exposed via contaminated algal paste”. Marine Environmental Research. 50, 217-221.
  • Wall, G. R., Riva-Murray, K., and P. J. Philips. National Water-Quality Assessment
  • Program. (1998) “Water Quality in the hudson river basin, New York and adjacent states, 1992-95 (U.S. Geological Survey Circular, 1165). U S Geological Survey.




  • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. (1991) Beneath the Shell: A Teacher's Guide to Nonpoint Source Pollution and its Potential Impact on New Jersey Shellfish. Trenton, NJ
  • Strayer, David & Jurka, Kurt. (1997) The Pearly Mussels of New York State, 1 edition. Albany: University of the State of New York, State Education Dept.

Journal Articles:

  • Engel, David W and Marius Brouwer (1984) “Cadmium-binding proteins in the blue crab, callinectes sapidus: laboratory-field comparison”. Marine Environmental Research, 14 (1-4), 139-151.
  • O’Connor, Joseph M. and Huggett , Robert J. (1988) “Aquatic pollution problems, North Atlantic coast, including Chesapeake Bay”. Aquatic Toxicology, 11( 1-2), 163-190.
  • Ristich , S., Crandall, M. and Fortier , J.(March 1977) “Benthic and epibenthic macroinvertebrates of the Hudson River : Distribution, natural history and community structure” Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, 5 (2), 255-266 S.
  • Young-Cheol Cho, Frohnhoefer, Robert. C. and Yull Rhee ,G (February 2004) “Bioconcentration and redeposition of polychlorinated biphenyls by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Hudson River” Water Research, 38 (3), 769-777.




  • Hinchman, H. (1997). A Trail Through Leaves: The Journal as a Path to Place. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Leslie, C. W. & Roth, C. E. (2000). Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You. North Adams, MA.: Storey Books Publishing.
  • McEwen, C. & Statman, M. (Eds.) (2000). The Alphabet of the Trees: A Guide to Nature Writing. New York: Teachers and Writers Collaborative.
  • Peterson, Roger Tory. (1995) Wild America: The Record of a 30,000 Mile Journey Around the Continent by a Distinguished Naturalist and His British Colleague. Boston: Houghton Mifflin


Native Americans


  • Adams, R.C. (1997). Legends of the Delaware Indians and Picture Writing. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • Bierhorst, J. (1995). Mythology of the Lenape: Guide and Texts. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
  • Bierhorst, J.(Ed.). (1995). The White Deer: And Other Stories Told by the Lenape. New York: Morrow, William & Company.
  • Boyd, P.D. (2004). Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: From Lenape Highlands to Bayside Town (Making of America Series). Mount Pleasant, SC: Arcadia Publishing.
  • Grumet, R.S. & Porter, F.W. (1991). Lenapes. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. Hitakonanulaxk. (1993). The Grandfathers Speak: Native American Folk Tales of the Lenape
  • People. Northampton: Interlink Publishing Group, Inc.
  • Kraft, H.C., Kraft, J.T. & Finn, S.E. (1996). Lenape or Delaware Indians: The Original People of New Jersey, Southeastern New York State, and Eastern Pennsylvania. South Orange: Seton Hall University Museum.
  • Laan, N.V. & Vidal, B. (1991). Rainbow Crow: A Lenape Tale. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Waldauer, K. (Ed.). (1978). Lenape Indian Teaching Kits: Introduction to the Lenape, Vol. 1.
  • Moorestown, NJ: Middle Atlantic Press.
  • Waldauer, K. (Ed.). (1978). Lenape Indian Teaching Kits: Lenape Lore/Folk Medicines, Vol. 2.
  • Moorestown, NJ: Middle Atlantic Press.
  • Waldauer, K. (Ed.). (1979). Lenape Indian Teaching Kits: Lenape Lore/Clothing, Shelter, Crafts, Weapons, Tools and Specialties, Vol. 3. Moorestown, NJ: Middle Atlantic Press.




  • Cole, Joanna. (1994) The Magic Schoolbus on the Ocean Floor. New York: Scholastic Press Pratt, Kristin Joy. (1994) A Swim Through the Sea. Nevada City: Dawn Publications.
  • Simon, Seymour. (1997) Oceans. New York: Harper Trophy Publishing
  • Sverdrup, Keith A, Duxbury, Allison B. (2004) An Introduction to the World's Oceans. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.




  • Luckenbach, M.E., R. Mann, and J.E Wesson. (Eds.) (1999) Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration: A Synopsis of Approaches. Gloucester Point: Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Journal Articles:

  • Breitburg, D.L., L. Coen, M. Luckenbach, R. Mann, and M. Posey. (2000) “Oyster reef restoration: Meeting both harvest and ecological goals.” Journal of. Shellfish Research 19 (1), 371- 377.
  • Chu, F.L.E., P.Soudant, L.A. Cruz-Rodriguez and R.C Hale. (2000) “PCB uptake and accumulation by oysters (Crassostrea virginica) exposed via contaminated algal paste.”Maine Environmental Research .50: 217-221




  • Cerullo ,Mary M. and Bill Curtsinger. (1999) Sea Soup: Phytoplankton. Gardiner, ME: Tilbury House Publishers
  • Cerullo, Mary M. and Bill Curtsinger. (2001) Sea Soup: Zooplankton. Gardiner, ME: Tilbury House Publishers.
  • Gowen, A.W. and H.F. Mulligan. (1978) A Photographic Guide to the Phytoplankton of the Coastal Waters, Gulf of Maine. Ithaca: Shoals Marine Laboratory.
  • Hardy, A.C. (1956) The Open Sea: Its Natural History: The World of Plankton. London: Collins Publishing.
  • Pace, M. L., and D. J. Lonsdale. Ecology of the Hudson Zooplankton Community. J. S. Levinton (ed.). The Hudson River. (in press).
  • Robb, Jackie.Berny. Stringle, Karen Duncan. (2003) The Story of Plankton (Bang on the Door Series) London: Chrysalis Books.
  • Stevens, Betsy T., Giebfried, Rosemary. (1999) Sea Soup Teacher¹s Guide: Discovering the Watery World of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton. Gardiner, ME: Tilbury House Publishers.
  • Thomas, Carmelo (Ed). (1997) Identifying Marine Phytoplankton. San Diego: Academic Press Ulrich, Sommer (Ed.). (1989) Plankton Ecology. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Vinyard, W.C. (1979) Diatoms of North America. Eureka, CA: Mad River Press, Inc. Wimpenny, R.S. (1966) The Plankton of the Sea. New York: American Elsevier Publishers.

Journal Articles:

  • Carlson, D.M. (1978) “The ecological role of zooplankton in a Long Island salt marsh.” Estuaries, 1:85-92.
  • Fisher, N.S., V.T. Breslin, and M. Levandowsky. (1995) “Accumulation of silver and lead in estuarine micro zooplankton.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 116: 207-215.
  • Pace, M. L., S. Findlay, and D. Lints. (1992) “Zooplankton in advective environments: The Hudson River community and a comparative analysis.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 49:1060-1069.



Teacher Resources

Organization Programs

NY Sunworks Science Barge (on-site) (link is external)

  • Outdoor classroom
  • Hands-on sustainable technology
  • Students build their own miniature sustainable farm, using solar powered fans and natural materials.

Department of Environmental Conservation (on-site and in-class)(link is external)

  • Environmental awareness around New York State.
  • Interpretive trails
  • Exhibit areas
  • Guided field trips through diverse habitats.

NYC Soil & Water Conservation (in-class) (link is external)

  • Experience-based, interdisciplinary environmental education in New York City.
  • Hands-on, field-based science education
  • Community-based environmental education
  • Volunteer and Student Monitors, Harlem Hudson and Wonderful Watersheds.

NYC Audubon (in-class)(link is external)

  • Eco Adventures
  • Birding Adventures
  • Field School
  • Look Around NYC: Birding Adventures for Kids
  • Trips with Partnership Organizations

Department of Environmental Protection (in-class) (link is external)

  • Guided field trips
  • Speakers
  • Teacher workshops
  • Art and Poetry Contest
  • Classroom resources
  • Newtown Creek Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt
  • New York City DEP and the Tribeca Performing Arts Center present: City that Drinks the Mountain Sky
  • Living Harbor Wet Lab

Liberty Science Center (on-site) (link is external)

  • Lab Workshops
  • Enhanced Experience
  • School Residency Program
  • Electronic Field Trips
  • Live From…
  • Traveling Science
  • Partners in Science
  • After School Science

American Museum of Natural History (on-site) (link is external) is external)

  • Discovery Room
  • Earth and Space Programs
  • Hayden Planetarium Space Shows
  • IMAX Films

Teacher Opportunities

Teacher Supplies