Foundations + Futures 2025: NYU Drama Therapy Annual Symposium
NYU Steinhardt's Program in Drama Therapy opens the doors to its Theatre & Health Lab to present the latest research, examine current and emerging innovations, and inspire a culture of inquiry in drama therapy.
This years events are as follows: (all times are in EST) (Refer to program for timings of specific events)
- February 4th, Tuesday, 6 - 7 pm | Drama Therapy as Support for Adults Facing Housing Insecurity: Experience of Groups at Breaking Ground
- February 5th, Wednesday, 8 - 9 am | The Role-Playing Brain: An FMRI study of acting in actors and non-actors
- February 6th, Thursday, 6 - 7 pm | Why Theatre Education Matters: Understanding Its Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Benefits
- February 11th, Tuesday, 6 - 7 pm | Parkinson's Disease and Virtual Drama Therapy
- February 12th, Wednesday, 8 - 9 am | How do clients experience drama therapy? Insights from a qualitative meta-analysis
- February 12th, Wednesday, 6 - 7:30 pm | IN PERSON | Where is the love?
- February 17th, Monday, 8 - 9 am | Framing Distance: Documentary as a Mirror for Projection and Connection
- February 18th, Tuesday, 6 - 7 pm | Dramatherapy with children and young people who are experiencing emotional distress: A systematic review of the literature
- February 19th, Wednesday, 8 - 9 am | Tele-Drama Therapy for Community Dwelling Older Adults with Constricted Life-Space Mobility: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- February 21st, Friday, 8 - 9 am | Mental Health of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged and Refugee Women in Lebanon
- February 21st, Friday, 8 - 9:45 pm | IN PERSON | The Invaders’ Fear of Memories
- February 22nd, Saturday, 3 - 5 pm | IN PERSON | Playback Theatre Performance: Stories of Our Times
Please note: The program consists of virtual and in-person events. You will receive the Zoom link for each virtual event via email only if you register at least 12 hours before the event(s).
Continuing Education Units: Please note on the registration form if you will be seeking a certificate for CEs. Registration and attendance are required to obtain CEs and will be recorded. Each event will offer 1-2.5 LCAT and RDT CEs. Those marked with an asterisk(*) will also count towards RDT-CHED CEs. NYU is a recognized LCAT - CE provider (#0062).
- Participants will identify trends in drama therapy theory, policy, and practice
- Participants will discuss new research in drama therapy
- Participants will be able to incorporate an intersectional lens in drama therapy with an emphasis on socio-economic status, housing security, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, and/or race
$40-200 sliding scale / Free for Students
Registration is required for all presentations: Register here.
Performances are free and require separate registration; please see the schedule for the details.