Lisa M. Stulberg
Associate Professor of Sociology of Education
Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Lisa M. Stulberg is associate professor of sociology of education at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development and an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Sociology at NYU. Her research focuses on the politics of race and education, affirmative action in higher education, school choice policy and politics, and LGBTQ+ social change. She is the author of Race, Schools, and Hope: African Americans and School Choice after Brown (Teachers College Press, 2008) and LGBTQ Social Movements (Polity, 2018). She is the co-editor (with Eric Rofes) of The Emancipatory Promise of Charter Schools: Toward a Progressive Politics of School Choice (SUNY Press, 2004) and the co-editor (with Sharon Lawner Weinberg) of Diversity in American Higher Education: Toward a More Comprehensive Approach (Routledge, 2011). She currently is working on a book with Anthony S. Chen, of Northwestern University, on the origins of race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions. She also is working on a book on the connection between pop culture and LGBTQ+ social change, entitled How to Win a Culture War: LGBTQ+ Social Change through Pop Culture. She received an A.B. from Harvard College, a Masters in Social Science (M.Soc.Sci.) in Cultural Studies from the University of Birmingham (in the U.K.), and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California at Berkeley.
Selected Publications
- Anthony S. Chen and Lisa M. Stulberg. “Before Bakke: The Hidden History of the Diversity Rationale.” The University of Chicago Law Review Online. “Affirmative Action at a Crossroads” Series. October 2020.
- Anthony S. Chen and Lisa M. Stulberg. "What Opponents of Affirmative Action Get Wrong.” The Washington Post Made By History Blog. October 23, 2018.
- LGBTQ Social Movements. Polity, 2018.
- Nina Mauceri and Lisa M. Stulberg. “Celebrating Pride Beyond June: What We’re Reading This Summer and Why.” HuffPost Blog. July 3, 2017.
- “Rise Up! ‘Hamilton’ and Teaching for Social Justice.” Huffington Post Arts & Culture Blog. May 11, 2016.
- Lisa Stulberg and Bryan S. Rosenberg. “Peter Paige, the Co-Creator of ‘The Fosters,’ Is the Best Kind of Storyteller: Empowering Young People Through TV.” Huffington Post Queer Voices Blog. February 24, 2016.
- Lisa Stulberg and Bryan S. Rosenberg. "The Amazing Lea DeLaria Talks Pop Culture, LGBTQ Social Change, and the Radical Power of Big Boo and David Bowie." Huffington Post Queer Voices Blog. July 16, 2015.
- “One Ally’s Story, in Celebration of Pride Month.” Huffington Post Queer Voices Blog. May 29, 2015.
- “George Wallace, Rosa Parks, Stokely Carmichael, and the LGBTQ Movement beyond Marriage.” Huffington Post Queer Voices Blog. February 24, 2015.
- "African American School Choice and the Current Race Politics of Charter Schooling: Lessons from History." Race and Social Problems. 2015.
- Lisa M. Stulberg and Anthony S. Chen. "The Origins of Race-Conscious Affirmative Action in Undergraduate Admissions: A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Change in Higher Education." Sociology of Education. 2014.
- Lisa M. Stulberg and Sharon Lawner Weinberg (Eds.). Diversity in American Higher Education: Toward a More Comprehensive Approach. Routledge, 2011.
- Race, Schools, and Hope: African Americans and School Choice after Brown. Teachers College Press, 2008.