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Outstanding Dissertation Award Winners 2013-2018

Last Name Year Chair Dissertation Title Department

Rachel Bittner


Juan Pablo Bello

Data-Driven Fundamental Frequency Estimation

Music and Performing Arts Professions

Jonathan Friedman


Cynthia Miller-Idriss

Global Distinction: Social Status and Organizational Change and the Internationalism of American and British Universities

Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Jennifer Burris


Kathleen Woolf

The Association Between Diet and Acne

Nutrition and Food Studies

Naomi Moland


Jonathan Zimmerman

Intractable Dilemmas: Sesame Square and the Quest for Multiculturalism in Nigeria

Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities

Maya Vadiveloo


Niyati Parekh

A Novel Scoring Method to Evaluate Associations Between Dietary Variety and Body Adiposity among a National Sample of U.S. Adults

Nutrition and Food Studies

Naomi Angel


Marita Sturken

Before Truth: Memory, History and Nation in the Context of Reconciliation in Canada

Media, Culture, and Communication

Scott Selberg


Marita Sturken

See the Person Within: Visual Culture and Alzheimer's Disease

Media, Culture, and Communication

Past Dissertation Titles 2014-2018

Name Chair Dissertation Title Graduation Date Department
Sarah Klevan, PhD Pedro Noguera Understanding Restorative Approaches to Discipline Through the Lens of Authority: A Case Study of a New York City School 9/24/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Zachary Barletta, PhD Arnold Grossman The Roles of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Substance Misuse in Suicide Attempts among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Alexander Belser, PhD Arnold Grossman Victimization, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicide Attempt among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Maria Paula Daneri, PhD Clancy Blair Precursors and Academic Consequences of Latino Children's Self-Regulation 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Rhonda Donoho, PhD Anil Chacko Treating Disruptive Behaviors in Low-Income Clinic using Multiple Family Group and Services as Usual: Do Parent and Family Level Characteristics Impact Treatment Outcomes? 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Eric Finegood, PhD Clancy Blair Multidimensional Models of Toxic Stress: Relations with Children's Psychophysiology and Parents' Self-Regulation and Parenting Behaviors 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Chloe Greenbaum, PhD Shabnam Javdani Development and Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed Intervention for Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Alexandra Freidus, PhD Pedro Noguera Race, Class, and Belonging: Diversifying Schools in Gentrifying New York 9/24/2018 Teaching and Learning
Jinjoo Han, PhD Erin O'Connor Longer-Term Associations of Pre-K Process Quality Effects: Influence of Sustaining Environments on the Academic Achievement of Children 9/24/2018 Teaching and Learning
Clare Hammoor, EdD Nancy Smithner Theatre of Children: Absurd Agencies in/of the Anthropocene 9/24/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Ines da Silva Beleza Barreiros, PhD Marita Sturken Imperial Shadows: The Visuality and Countervisuality of the Portuguese Empire: A Research Through Images 9/24/2018 Media, Culture and Communication
Sunmin Kim, PhD John V. Gilbert An Oral History Account of an International Multimedia Summer Workshop IMPACT, 2007-2017 9/24/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Yury Marcela Rojas Pintor, PhD Pedro Noguera Teacher Practices that Provide Access and Support Emergent Bilinguals' Conceptual Understandings of Proportionality 9/24/2018 Teaching and Learning
Jaclyn Rohel, PhD Krishnendu Ray The Politics of Oralities: Paan and Publics in the Globalizing City 9/24/2018 Nutrition and Food Studies
Ming-Che Tu, PhD Sumie Okazaki What Is Career Success? Asian American Psychology of Working 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Micaela Blei, PhD Nan Smithner Listening to Many Voices: Teachers Exploring Identity, Art and Narrative in a Personal Storytelling Workshop 9/24/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Kouross Esmaeli, PhD Lily Chumley Testing Technology: Digital Mediation of Education in New York City 9/24/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
William Max Meyer, PhD Catherine Milne Problematizing the Invasion of Ideas: Exploring the Establishment of Systems Thinking in Teachers and Schools Using an Ecological Framework 9/24/2018 Teaching and Learning
Ella Klik, PhD Allen Feldman Erasable Media: From Letters to Bits 9/24/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
Patrick Davison, PhD Lisa Gitelman Locating the User in American Social Media: A History of the Networked Present 9/24/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
Finn Upham, PhD Morwaread Farbood Detecting the Adaptation of Listeners' Respiration to Heard Music 9/24/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Alex Siriani, PhD David Montgomery Fear Thy Neighbor: Using Theatre of the Oppressed to Deconstruct Community Violence and the Experiences of Preadolescent South Bronx Youth 9/24/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Christopher Stults, PhD Perry Halkitis Intimate Partner Violence among Young Men who have Sex with Men 9/24/2018 Applied Psychology
Melissa Horvath-Plyman, PhD Ricki Goldman Social Media and the College Student Journey: An Examination of How Social Media Use Impacts Social Capital and Affects College Choice, Access, and Transition 9/24/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Matthew Sutin, PhD Shondel Nero Language and Culture Learning Through a University-Based Computer Mediated Communication Course: Case Studies of Students' Cross-Cultural Dialogues 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Alexandra Aylward, PhD Pedro Noguera Spillover Effects of Concentrated Mass Incarceration in the US: A Mechanism for Educational Inequality 5/16/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Dyon Rozier, PhD Pedro Noguera Low-Income Black and Latino Males Beating the Odds 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Desiree Villaroel Chachula, PhD Edward Fergus Native Language and Risk Factors in the Identification of English Language Learners with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Hannah Zeavin, PhD Benjamin Kafka The Communication Cure: Tele-Therapy 1890-2017 5/16/2018 Media, Culture and Communication
Diana Kamin, PhD Marita Sturken Picture-Work: On the Circulating Image Collection 5/16/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
Timothy Wood, PhD Rodney Benson Energy's Citizens: Corporate Front Group and the Making of a Petro-Public 5/16/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
Qian Zhang Malkoff, PhD Sarah Woodward Beck The Writing Strategies and Literacy Sponsors of Successful Chinese Adolescent English Learners 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Michael Thoms, PhD Orit Zaslavsky Attending to Variance and Invariance: The Construction of Algebraic Structure Sense 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Stephanie Akunvabey, EdD Stella Flores How Can NYC Public High Schools Collaborate with Non-Profit Organizations to Promote College Access for Black and Latino Youth? A Case Study Evaluation of Sound Business Inc. 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Jane Ross, PhD Philip Hosay The Civilizing Mission in the Empire State: French Schools in New York 5/16/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Rachel Bittner, PhD Juan Pablo Bello Data-Driven Fundamental Frequency Estimation 5/16/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Anindya Kundu, PhD Pedro Noguera Adding a Social Perspective to Grit: How Students with Disadvantages Navigate Obstacles and Gain Agency 5/16/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Murray James Morrison, PhD David Schroeder Practitioner and Prophet: An Analysis of Sonny Stitt's Music and Relationship to Charlie Parker 5/16/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Adam Devitt, PhD Susan Kirch Critical and Transformative Approaches Towards Science Teaching and Teacher Educator Development in a Science Pedagogy Course: Using Heuristics, Radical Listening, and Contribution 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Christina Joseph Muhammad, EdD Ann Marcus Professional Socialization for Mid-Level Student Affairs Practitioners in Small Liberal Arts Colleges: Understanding How Organizational Culture is Shared 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Benjamin Mendelsohn, PhD Arjun Appadurai Nomadic Ground: Geosocial Relations Along the Global Urban Coast 5/16/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
Nikki Youngblood, EdD Frances King Stage Pathways to Persistence: Low-Income First Generation Students at an Elite Women's College 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Rachel Whorton, PhD David Montgomery The Phenomenon of the Acting Bug: Interrogations of Self-Identification and Career Decision-Making Processes of Professional Actors 5/16/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Noah Kippley-Ogman, PhD Jonathan Zimmerman The Old College Try: Professional Fundraising in American Higher Education, 1913-1974 5/16/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Nirit Gordon, PhD Shabnam Javdani Mental Health Disparities and Sociopolitical Development Among Incarcerated Youth 5/16/2018 Applied Psychology
Shayne Figueroa, PhD Amy Bentley A Social History of School Lunch in Postwar New York City 5/16/2018 Nutrition and Food Studies
Carolyn Falconer-Horne, PhD Adam Buchwald Enhancing Aphasia Therapy: Two Studies of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Chronic Aphasia 5/16/2018 Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Ozen Guven, PhD Dana Burde Undoing Forty Years of Public Lies: Fear, Mistrust and Resentment in Resistance and Silence Among Exiled Syrian Teachers in Turkey 5/16/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Vanessa Coca, PhD Richard Arum Stratification into Higher Education by Race and Class and the Role of High Schools 5/16/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Victoria Ballerini, PhD Stella Flores America's Promise and Argentina's Unrestricted Access: A Comparative Analysis of Equity Implications in Tuition-Free and Open-Access Models in Higher Education 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Alanna Valdez, EdD Bridget O'Connor Exploring Stakeholder Motivations in University-Industry Partnerships: A Multi-Site Case Study of the United States Department of Education's Educational Quality Through Innovative Partnership Program (EQUIP) 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Shilpa Patel, PhD Farzana Kapadia Exploring the Relationship between Religious Beliefs and Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening among a Female Muslim Sample in New York City 5/16/2018 Nutrition and Food Studies
Gina Grandi, PhD Nancy Smithner "I'm Gonna Use it to Tell You": Exploring Narratives of Adolescent Identity through Theatre 5/16/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Binna Lee, PhD Diana Sidtis Subcortical Processing of Formulaic Language: Bilingual Studies in Parkinson's Disease 5/16/2018 Communicative Sciences and Disorders
J. Kenneth Logan, PhD Michael Kieffer Exploring the Relationship Between Polysemous Word Knowledge, Executive Function, and Reading Comprehension Among Early Adolescents 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Zachary Maggio, PhD Ann Marcus State Policy and For-Profit Higher Education: A Comparative Case Study of Two States 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Erika Bernabei Middleton, PhD Colleen Larson Complex Accountability in Place: Lessons Learned from Promise Neighborhoods 5/16/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Heather Page, PhD Catherine Milne Using Scientific Practice to Address the Girls' Crisis: Designing Science Education from a Feminist Perspective 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Jill Pierce, PhD Pedro Noguera Official Approaches to Equity and Democracy in New York City's School Closure, Consolidation, and Charter Co-Location Decisions 5/16/2018 Teaching and Learning
Alyssa Pintar, PhD Clancy Blair Measurement and Model Equivalence of the "Coping with Children's Negative Emotions Scale" within Low-Income, European and African American Mothers and Children 5/16/2018 Applied Psychology
Brittney Redler, PhD Grant Wenaus Pedagogical Efficacy in the Singing Voice Studio: Working with Self-Assessed "Tone Deafness" 5/16/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Emily Halpin, PhD Gigliana Melzi The Bilingual Language Diversity of Latino Preschoolers: Profiles and Relations with School Readiness Skills 5/16/2018 Applied Psychology
Michael Stoll, PhD Diana Turk Teachers' Conceptualizations of Writing and Thinking in Social Studies 1/22/2018 Teaching and Learning
Christopher Bush, PhD Esther Lamneck Schuller's Musical Space: A Statistical and Structural Analysis of Registration in Gunther Schuller's Solo and Chamber Compositions for Clarinet 1/22/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Chiao-ju Fang, PhD Kristie Patten Koenig A Comparison of the Participation Levels of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive Versus Specialized Settings and its Relationship with Time in Resource Rooms 1/22/2018 Occupational Therapy
Yana Kuchirko, PhD Catherine Tamis-LeMonda The Temporal Structure of Mother-Infant Social Interactions: Specificity and Change in Real-Time and Across Development 1/22/2018 Applied Psychology
Peter Michael Yurchak, EdD Philip Taylor A Matter of Life and Breath: The Fitzmaurice Voicework Teacher's Connection to Audience and Subject Matter 1/22/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Shane Brennan, PhD Nicholas Mirzoeff Practices of Sunlight: Visual and Cultural Politics of Solar Energy in The United States 1/22/2018 Media, Culture, and Communication
Maria Chiarina Guerrero, PhD Kenneth Aigen Music Therapy/Upper Limb Therapy -- Integrated (MULT-I) Stroke Rehabilitation: Exploring Interprofessional Collaborative Treatment 1/22/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Tanisha Johnson-Campbell, PhD Frances King Stage Educating a Diverse Workforce: The Student of Color Experience in a Research University's Accelerated Undergraduate Nursing Program 1/22/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Caroline Tubbs Dolan, PhD J. Lawrence Aber Methods for Rigorously and Responsively Improving Children's Holistic Learning and Development in Crisis Contexts: Towards an Evidence-based Education in Emergencies Field 1/22/2018 Applied Psychology
James DeVivo, PhD David Montgomery Taking Them Seriously: A Study of the Long-Term Impact of Participation in the New Jersey Young Playwrights Festival 1/22/2018 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Margaret Paul, PhD Beth Weitzman Exploring the Relationship between Public Health Spending and Population Health in the United States 1/22/2018 Nutrition and Food Studies
Halima Leak, PhD Ann Marcus Making Bricks Without Straw: The Kresge HBCU Initiative and Fundraising at Historically Black Colleges and Universities 1/22/2018 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Jessica Lipschultz, PhD Richard Arum School Discipline: Cultural Scripts, a Struggle for Fairness and Notions of Insubordination 1/22/2018 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Ariane Ling, PhD Sumie Okazaki Psychological Wellbeing in the Context of China's Large-scale Social and Economic Change 9/25/2017 Applied Psychology
Jonathan Friedman, PhD Cynthia Miller-Idriss Global Distinction: Social Status, Organizational Change and the Internationalism of American and British Universities 9/25/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
E. Christine Baker-Smith O'Malley, PhD Richard Arum Suspensions, Schools and Students -- Understanding School Effects on Student-Level Disparities in Suspension Risk 9/25/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Jessica Feldman, PhD Martin Scherzinger Listening Intently: Towards a Critical Media Theory of Ethical Listening 9/25/2017 Media, Culture, and Communication
Stephanie Rogus, PhD Carolyn Dimitri Three Essays on the Role of Time Constraints on Dietary Decision-Making 9/25/2017 Nutrition and Food Studies
Paul Melton, PhD Stephen Duncombe Imagining the Art Market 9/25/2017 Media, Culture, and Communication
Daphne Sicre, PhD Nancy Smithner American Sangre: An Exploration of Afro-Latin@ Representation in the Play Platanos y Collard Greens 9/25/2017 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Ashley Turbeville, PhD J. Lawrence Aber A Bioecological and Multidimensional Model for Conceptualizing and Measuring Childhood Economic Well-Being in South Africa 9/25/2017 Applied Psychology
Frank Martignetti, PhD David Elliott In Their Own Voices: An Ethnographic Study of an Urban Public High School Music Program 9/25/2017 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Ashley Hamilton, PhD Nancy Smithner Toward Rehabilitation: Devised Theatre as Liminal Transformer in a Women's Maximum Security Prison 9/25/2017 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Elizabeth Koslov, PhD Eric Klinenberg Retreat: Hurricane Sandy, Home Buyouts, and the Future of Coastal Cities 9/25/2017 Media, Culture, and Communication
Alyssa Anderson, PhD Sarah Woodward Beck The Role of Teacher Instructional Discourse in Scaffolding Adolescent Students' Argumentation Strategy Use in Small Group Text-Based Discussions 9/25/2017 Teaching and Learning
Chien-Ying Yang, PhD Tsu-Hsin Howe Motor Performance and School-Related Functions of Children in Fourth to Sixth Grades with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 9/25/2017 Occupational Therapy
Christopher Van Booven, PhD Lorena Llosa The Role of Context in the Development of Second Language Interactional Competence: A Comparative Microanalysis of Topic Initiation Practices in the Study Abroad Homestay and the Language Classroom 9/25/2017 Teaching and Learning
Andrea Lopez Barraza, PhD Gary Anderson Students and Teachers' Discourses and Practices of Citizenship and Citizenship Education in Three Chilean High Schools 9/25/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Nakia Gray-Nicolas, EdD Edward Fergus Whose College Readiness is it Anyway: College Readiness, Cultural Economic and Social Capital, and Access to Pre-College Transition Programs 9/25/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Andrew Gaines, PhD Nancy Smithner Being Alive: An Interpretive Case Study of Teaching Artistry at an LGBT Metropolitan Senior Center 9/25/2017 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Pedro De La Cruz, PhD Edward Fergus School Principals and English Language Learners in New York City: Language Program Selection and the Role of Language Ideologies 9/25/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Xiaochang Li, PhD Lisa Gitelman Divination Engines: A Media History of Text Prediction 9/25/2017 Media, Culture, and Communication
Liliana Donchik, PhD Terry Astuto A Study of Transition Programs Back to School and Community for Incarcerated Youth 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Nupur Goyal, PhD Teboho Moja The Impact of College Residence Halls on the Student Learning Experiences of International, Undergraduate Students from India, During their First Year 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Naureen Madhani, PhD Teboho Moja Transnational Academic Partnerships in South African Universities: A Multi-Case Study 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Sue-Yeon Song, PhD Teboho Moja The Patterns of Governance in Higher Education and their Impact on University Restructuring 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Benjamin Selznick, PhD Matthew Mayhew Higher Education for Undergraduate Innovation 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Denise Ofelia Mangen, PhD Ricki Goldman Educational Design for Sustainable Resilience: A Quisitive Inquiry of Everyday Consumption 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Sava Saheli Singh, PhD W. Russell Neuman Academic Twitter: Pushing the Boundaries of Traditional Scholarship 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Ethan Youngerman, EdD Matthew Mayhew Integrative Learning in Award-winning Student Writing: A Grounded Theory Analysis 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Vidya Bhat, EdD Terry Astuto An Interpretive Case Study of Teachers' Instructional Decision Making Processes 5/17/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Molly Kingdon, PhD Perry N. Halkitis Stigma, Mental Health Burden, and Sexual Risk Taking among HIV-positive Men who Have Sex with Men Aged 50 and Older 5/17/2017 Applied Psychology
Michael McCutcheon, PhD Arnold Grossman Gender Non-conforming Expression, Victimization, and Parental Abuse Related to Suicidal Ideation among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth 5/17/2017 Applied Psychology
Rachel McKinnon, PhD Clancy Blair Examining the Development of Executive Function, Teacher-child Relationships, and Academic Achievement among Children in the Early Elementary Grades 5/17/2017 Applied Psychology
Alexandra Kutnick, PhD Catherine Tamis-LeMonda Understanding Adaptation to an HIV Diagnosis in the Context of Urban Poverty: A Qualitative Examination 5/17/2017 Applied Psychology
Gad Marcus, PhD Rene Arcilla Torah Lishmah: The Art of Study for Its Own Sake 5/17/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Daniel Smokler, PhD Rene Arcilla Going Within the Jew Within: Rooted Cosmopolitanism as an Educational Approach for Jewish Individualism 5/17/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Benjamin Lewis, PhD Harold Wechsler Why Homeschool, Why Us, Why Now?: Parental Motivations for Jewish Homeschooling 5/17/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Sara Smith, PhD Harold Wechsler Shul with a School: The History of non-Orthodox Jewish Day Schools in Los Angeles, 1968-1990 5/17/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Matthew Hockenberry, PhD Lisa Gitelman Far Corners of the Earth: A Media History of Logistics 5/17/2017 Media, Culture, and Communication
Jaeseong You, PhD Tae Hong Park Resynthesis of Urban Acoustic Scene: Based on Acoustic Event Detection 5/17/2017 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Anne McBride, PhD Krishnendu Ray Minds and Morsels: The Making of the 21st Century Chef 5/17/2017 Nutrition and Food Studies
Nancy Gagliardi, PhD Jennifer Berg Dieting in the Age of Feminism: A Cultural History and Analysis of Women’s Lives Through the Lens of Marketing During the Long Sixties (1963-1979) 5/17/2017 Nutrition and Food Studies
L. Trenton Marsh, PhD Pedro Noguera Success at a Price: Exploring how a No-Excuses Charter School's Philosophies about Success Inform the Everyday Practices of Teachers and its Implications on Working-Class Students and their Caregivers 5/17/2017 Teaching and Learning
Rachel Garver, PhD Pedro Noguera Subgrouping Opportunity: Subgroup Policies and Daily Opportunity Provision in a Segregated School 5/17/2017 Teaching and Learning
Joohee Han, PhD Miriam E. Ebsworth Bilingualism, Biliteracy, and Academic Self-Efficacy among Adolescent Korean Heritage Language Learners 5/17/2017 Teaching and Learning
Ursula Diamond, PhD Bridget O'Connor "I have to Pave My Own Path": How Twelve Women College Seniors Anticipate Graduation and Emotionally Cope with the Post-College Transition 1/23/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Marc Lo, PhD Matthew Mayhew Queerly Classed: An Intersectional Exploration of the Campus Climate 1/23/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Anna Schmidt, PhD Matthew Mayhew Spirituality in Undergraduate Education: How One Campus' Climate Influences Student Meaning Making around Spirituality 1/23/2017 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Simcha Willig, PhD Robert Chazan Gadlut Ha-Adam and the Greatness of Humanity: A Textual Analysis of Rabbi Nathan Tzvi Finkel's Psycho-Religious Educational Philosophy 1/23/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Jennifer Auerbach, PhD Cynthia Miller-Idriss Islam, Secularism and Cultural Conflict: How University Students in Turkey Negotiate Collective Identities Across Places 1/23/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Shira Hammerman, PhD Leslie Santee Siskin Conversations on Community: How Teachers in a Jewish Day School Express and Experience Community 1/23/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Arielle Levites, PhD Jonathan Zimmerman The Teaching and Learning of Jewish Spirituality among American Jewish Adults 1/23/2017 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Michael Musick, PhD Tae Hong Park Practice-Led Research/Research-Led Practice Identifying the Theory and Technique of Sonic Space Ecosystems 1/23/2017 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Sara Franklin, PhD Amy Bentley The Editor's Life, In Her Own Words: A Feminist Oral History of Judith Jones and her Life in Modern American Food Culture 1/23/2017 Nutrition and Food Studies
Diana Caley, PhD Carolyn Dimitri The Nature and Measurement of Food Insecurity in Urban Slums: A Mixed Methods Study in Kampala, Uganda 1/23/2017 Nutrition and Food Studies
Bindu Varghese, PhD Miriam E. Ebsworth The Malayelee Diaspora in North America: A Retrospective Study of Heritage Language Use and Identity 1/23/2017 Teaching and Learning
Sarah Randall Johnson, EdD Frances King Stage The Relationship Between High-Impact Practices and Timely Bachelor's Degree Completion at Four-Year Public Institutions 9/26/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Ralph Vacca, PhD Christopher Hoadley Cultivating Situated Mindfulness in Everyday Life: A Design-Based Study of a Mobile Approach 9/26/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Ronald Smolkin, EdD Terry Astuto Principal Storytelling: A Study of Principals' Experience in an Era of Accountability 9/26/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Steven Mezzio, PhD Ann Marcus Commercialization of University-Industry Ventures: Business School Signals of Quality Associated with Non-Degree Executive Education and Relationship to Press Rankings 9/26/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
John Frank, PhD Arnold Grossman Factors Promoting Risk and Resilience for Suicidal Ideation among Transgender Youth 9/26/2016 Applied Psychology
David Hittson, PhD Selcuk Sirin The Immigrant Paradox and Internalizing Mental Health Problems in Immigrant-Origin Children and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis 9/26/2016 Applied Psychology
Ekin Yasin, PhD Allen Feldman The Dying Patient, the Invincible Mouse and Tumor Media: Representation of Cancer Research at the Human-Animal Crossroads 9/26/2016 Media, Culture, and Communication
Elissa Miller-Kay, PhD Marilyn Nonken The Virtuosity of Interpretation: The Performance History of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas in London, 1800-1880 9/26/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Jonathan Forsyth, PhD Juan Pablo Bello Automatic Musical Accompaniment Using Finite State Machines 9/26/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Soohyun Ma, PhD David Montgomery Unveil the Invisible: Addressing Stigma Towards Unwed Mothers in Korea Through an Ethnodrama 9/26/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Ioannis Rammos, PhD Panayotis Mavromatis Roland Barthes's "Schumann" Essays: Towards a Reinscription of Schenkerian Analytical Practice 9/26/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Nour Makarem, PhD Niyati Parekh The Role of Carbohydrate Nutrition in the Risk of Adiposity-Related Cancers: Results from the Prospective Framingham Offspring Cohort (1991-2013) 9/26/2016 Nutrition and Food Studies
Brianna Avenia-Tapper, PhD Susan Kirch Language Used in Interaction During Developmental Science Instruction 9/26/2016 Teaching and Learning
Tristin Wildstein, PhD Miriam E. Ebsworth Missions, Methods, and Assessment in Hebrew Language Education: Case Studies of American Jewish Day Schools 9/26/2016 Teaching and Learning
Nicora Placa, PhD Martin Simon Explicating the Role of Justification in Learning Mathematical Concepts 9/26/2016 Teaching and Learning
Mubina Khan, PhD Catherine Milne Questioning and Metacognitive Thinking: On-Line and Off-Line Assessments in Understanding the Role of Prompting/Questioning and Metacognitive Thinking in a Digital Learning Environment 9/26/2016 Teaching and Learning
Matthew Lazen, EdD Ann Marcus American Branch Campuses with an "Arabian Accent": Adaptation of Educational Policies, Programs, and Practices in Transnational Education 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Dixie Ching, PhD Christopher Hoadley "Now I Can Actually Do What I Want": Understanding How Adolescents Leverage Their Social Learning Ecologies to Pursue Interest-Driven Learning and Practice-Linked Identities Connected to Digital Media Making 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
William Simpkins, EdD Ann Marcus Welfare Recipients at a Four-Year College: Reaching for a Bachelor's Degree in the "Work-First" Era of Public Policy 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
June Persaud, PhD Teboho Moja Globalization and the Community College Mission 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Ellen Bartley, PhD Bridget O'Connor Decoding the Black Box of Student Learning: Case Studies from the Introductory Accounting Course 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Jonathan Belman, PhD Ricki Goldman Designing Games to Foster Empathy 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Hilary Lustick, PhD Gary Anderson 'Restorative Justice' or Restoring Authority? Restorative School Discipline Practices in Urban Public Schools 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Steven Yavner, PhD Ricki Goldman Improving the Efficacy of Educational Multimedia: Medical Students' Text and Media Preferences Under Stress and Fatigue 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Tamara Arbesman, PhD Frances King Stage How do You Choose? How Rankings and Other Factors Influence MBA Program Choice at Elite Business Schools 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Kadidja Diallo, PhD Edward Fergus The Initial Point of Parent Involvement: Mothers' Familiarity of Community-Based Education Services and the Influences of Contextual Factors 5/18/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Nia Gordon, PhD Erin Godfrey Patterns of Receipt of South Africa's Government-Provided Services and Children's Academic and Cognitive Development 5/18/2016 Applied Psychology
Jessica Harding, PhD Pamela Morris-Perez Maternal Education and Children's Academic Outcomes: Understanding Predictors and Potential Mechanisms 5/18/2016 Applied Psychology
Sandra Kupprat, PhD Perry N. Halkitis The Influence of Substance Use and Cognitive Functioning on Condomless Anal Sex Among HIV-Positive Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Age 50 and Older 5/18/2016 Applied Psychology
Mineko Anne Legendy, PhD Lisa Suzuki Holocaust Survivors Living in America: Testimonies on Aging and Acculturation 5/18/2016 Applied Psychology
Anna Eva Hallin, PhD Christina Reuterskiold Language Processing and Awareness in Swedish School-Age Children with and without Language Impairment 5/18/2016 Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Elizabeth Knauer, PhD Philip Hosay Transnational Intellectuals Living in New York City: Perspectives on Cross-Cultural Teaching, Learning, and Intellectual Work 5/18/2016 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Grace Pai, PhD Dana Burde Universalizing Primary Education in Sierra Leone: Promises and Pitfalls on the Path to Equity 5/18/2016 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Galia Avidar, PhD Benjamin Jacobs Israel Education at a Crossroads Between Transmission and Transition: A Comparative Case Study of Three Jewish Day High Schools 5/18/2016 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Luke Stark, PhD Helen Nissenbaum That Signal Feeling: Emotion and Interaction Design from Social Media to the "Anxious Seat" 5/18/2016 Media, Culture, and Communication
Tamara Kneese, PhD Erica Robles-Anderson Digital Afterlives: From the Electronic Village to the Networked Estate 5/18/2016 Media, Culture, and Communication
Carlin Wing, PhD Arjun Appadurai Bounce: The Material Certainty of Sporting Chance 5/18/2016 Media, Culture, and Communication
Michael Eckroth, PhD David Schroeder Early Cuban Piano Improvisation (1937-1949) 5/18/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
James Webb, PhD Philip Taylor Last Sunday: Using Collaborative Playbuilding to Understand Why Some African Americans Leave the Black Church and Choose not to Return 5/18/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Scott Alves Barton, PhD Amy Bentley Feeding the Gods: Sacred Nagô Culinary Religious Culture in Northeastern Brazil 5/18/2016 Nutrition and Food Studies
Jennifer Burris, PhD Kathleen Woolf The Association Between Diet and Acne 5/18/2016 Nutrition and Food Studies
Hi'ilei Hobart, PhD Krishnendu Ray Tropical Necessities: Ice, Taste, and Territory in Settler Colonial Hawai'i 5/18/2016 Nutrition and Food Studies
Grace Kim, PhD Jim Hinojosa Effects of Attentional Focus on Motor Training of the Upper Extremity Using Robotics with Individuals after Chronic Stroke 5/18/2016 Occupational Therapy
Jenny Lieberman, PhD Jim Hinojosa The Lived Experience of People with Spinal Cord Injury and the Personal Meaning of Using a Wheelchair for Mobility 5/18/2016 Occupational Therapy
Satvika Garg, PhD Kristie Koenig The Effectiveness of the Get Ready to Learn Program in Improving Executive Functions in Children with Disabilities 5/18/2016 Occupational Therapy
Yuehai Xiao, PhD Frank Tang An Investigation of the Metacognitive Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategies of University EFL Writers in China 5/18/2016 Teaching and Learning
Naomi Jefferson, PhD Pedro Noguera Connecting Black Male Youth: The Importance of Staff-Participant Relationships in Out -of-School Time Programs 5/18/2016 Teaching and Learning
Christine Robertson, PhD Susan Kirch Environmental Education as a Transformative Social Process: An Activity Systems Analysis of Environmental Education and the Role of Environmental Educators 5/18/2016 Teaching and Learning
Amy Millett Scallon, PhD Pedro Noguera Rituals of Accountability: Teacher-Principal Dynamics in the Age of No Child Left Behind 5/18/2016 Teaching and Learning
Jordan Fullam, PhD Pedro Noguera Community, Caring, and Consciousness-Raising: Three Papers on Transformative Learning and Youth Activism 5/18/2016 Teaching and Learning
Tonya Leslie, PhD Pedro Noguera "I Decided": Listing to Academically Resilient College Students in STEM Programs 5/18/2016 Teaching and Learning
Daniel Kim, PhD Terry Astuto Problem Solving and Decision Making in Schools 1/25/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Marsha Pollard, PhD Frances King Stage Students in the Black Male Student Union at a Public University 1/25/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Tsu-Ting Huang, PhD Jan Plass The Effects of Types of Reflective Scaffolding and Language Proficiency on the Acquisition of Physics Knowledge in a Game-Based Learning Environment 1/25/2016 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Anjali Alimchandani, PhD Lisa Suzuki An Exploration of Community-Level Agency among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People of Color 1/25/2016 Applied Psychology
Geraldine Mapel, PhD Judith Alpert Holocaust Survivors and their Post-War Relationships: Women's Coping, Healing, and Interpersonal Bonds 1/25/2016 Applied Psychology
Christian Bracho, PhD Cynthia Miller-Idriss Mobilized Maestros: Revolutionary Teacher Movements in Oaxaca, Mexico 1/25/2016 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Amy Kapit, PhD Dana Burde Protecting Education from Attack: Humanitarian Agencies and the Implementation of a New Global Norm in Palestine 1/25/2016 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Magdalena Sabat, PhD Allen Fledman Designing the Amsterdam Red Light District 1/25/2016 Media, Culture, and Communication
Midori Larsen, PhD Marilyn Nonken The Pianist's Embodiment of Rhythm and Harmony: Incorporating Body Movement into Learning Manuel de Falla's Fantasia Betica 1/25/2016 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Sylvester Carter, PhD Mitchell Batavia The Association Between Age-Related Increases in Minimum Toe Clearance Variability and Joint Movement Variability During Level Over-Ground Walking 1/25/2016 Physical Therapy
Shingpui Betty Chow, PhD Wen Ling The Relationships of Selected Gait Parameters to Gait Symmetry in Individuals who Underwent Unilateral Total Hip Replacement 1/25/2016 Physical Therapy
Ashleigh Collins, PhD Erin O'Connor Fostering Multiple Eurekas: The Role of Teacher Responsiveness to Child Temperament in Early Academic Development 1/25/2016 Teaching and Learning
Sanaz Farhangi, PhD Susan Kirch Contribution to Physics: Using Cultural-Historical Activity Theory to Re-conceptualize the Undergraduates’ Engagement with Introductory Physics Courses 1/25/2016 Teaching and Learning
Alexis McLean-McKessey, EdD Robert Teranishi A Recipe for Success: Examining the Relationships between Practitioners and Black Students in Community College 9/28/2015 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Drew Allen, PhD Frances Stage Understanding Multiple Developmental Education Pathways for Underrepresented Student Populations: Findings from New York City 9/28/2015 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Charles Schaeffer, PhD Jacqueline Mattis African American Masculinity Ideology and Informal Help-Seeking: An Exploratory Analysis 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Maia Connors, PhD Pamela Morris-Perez Learning at Scale: How Can Policy Support Early Care and Education Quality? 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Sheri-Ann Cowie, PhD Mary McRae Gender Norms, Cultural Adaptation, and their Relation to Multiple Sexual Partnerships Among First-Generation Jamaican Immigrants 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Justina Grayman, PhD Erin Godfrey Challenging the Assumption of Spontaneous Collective Action: Community Organizers' Messages that Predict Future Collective Action 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Elsa Lee, PhD Sumie Okazaki The Role of Spiritual Connectedness in the Associations of Functional Limitations and Depressive Symptoms in Late Adulthood: A Racial Comparison 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Rufan Luo, PhD Catherine Tamis-LeMonda Preschool Children's Literacy and Oral Storytelling Experiences and Narrative Skills in Ethnically Diverse, Low-Income Families 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Lorelei Prevost, PhD Lisa Suzuki Understanding the Effects of Trauma on Identity: Voices of Holocaust Survivors 9/28/2015 Applied Psychology
Sarah DeMott, PhD Harold Wechsler Mediterranean Intersections: A History of the Sicilian Community in Tunisia, 1830-2015 9/28/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Esa Syeed, PhD Pedro Noguera Community Engagement and Public Education in a Changing City 9/28/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Beza Merid, PhD Marita Sturken Performing Health: Stand-Up Comedy and the Production of Biomedical Knowledge 9/28/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Eric Humphrey, PhD Juan Pablo Bello An Exploration of Deep Learning in Content-Based Music Informatics 9/28/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Sergi Casanelles, PhD Ronald Sadoff The Hyperorchestra: A Study of a Virtual Musical Ensemble in Film Music that Transcends Reality 9/28/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Melissa Prescott, PhD Judith Gilbride The Relationships between the Physical Characteristics of New York City Public Schools and School Meal Participation and Childhood Obesity 9/28/2015 Nutrition and Food Studies
Ali Ahmad, PhD Jane Bear-Lehman Presence of Stress Reactions and Coping Mechanisms Following Traumatic Upper Limb Injury in Arabic Speaking Adults in Kuwait and the Influence on Hand Impairment Status 9/28/2015 Occupational Therapy
Jennifer Kalina, PhD Yael Goverover Effects of an Educational Socialization Program Designed to Improve Self-Efficacy and Subsequent Effects on Decreasing Loneliness and Depression among People with Multiple Sclerosis 9/28/2015 Occupational Therapy
Yen-Wei Chen, PhD Wen Ling An Examination of Coordination from the Movement Pattern Perspective of Walking in Response to Arm Movement Perturbations in Healthy Adults 9/28/2015 Physical Therapy
Roey Ahram, PhD Pedro Noguera An Examination of School Community Context and Special Education Disproportionality 9/28/2015 Teaching and Learning
Gina Canterucci, PhD Teboho Moja Higher Education and Supranational Agreements: The Case of South Africa 5/20/2015 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Jennifer DiMaio, EdD Terry Astuto A Study of School and Community Change in a Suburban School District 5/20/2015 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Lindsay Granger, EdD Terry Astuto "Nobody Said You Can't Be Great": Understanding College and Career Readiness through the Experiences of Black American Women 5/20/2015 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Taveeshi Gupta, PhD Niobe Way Mother Gender Socialization: A Longitudinal, Mixed-Method Analysis in India 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Meghan McCormick, PhD Elise Cappella Insights into Social-Emotional Learning and Academic Achievement: An Approach for Strengthening Causal Inference 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Stacey Alicea, PhD Elise Cappella Social Networks in Community Colleges: Influences on Social Capital, Academic Achievement, Employment Skills and Psychosocial Wellbeing 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Allison Friedman-Krauss, PhD Cybele Raver Instability in Education Settings During Early and Middle Childhood and Children's Cognitive and Self-Regulation Development: Mediators and Moderators 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Carolyn Watson Williams, PhD Jacqueline Mattis Therapist's Integration of Spirituality and Religion into the Counseling of African American Women Clients 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Joy Kennedy, PhD Gigliana Melzi Narrative Development in Dual Language Learning Latino Preschoolers 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Melvin Hampton, PhD Perry Halkitis Measurement Model Exploring a Syndemic Among HIV-Positive Gay, Bisexual, and other MSM Over Fifty in New York City 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Laura Price, PhD Lisa Suzuki What Can Women Holocaust Survivors Tell Us About Trauma Survival and the Pathways to Resilience?: A Listening Guide Analysis 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Alexandra Cordero, PhD Lisa Suzuki Academic Resilience of Latino Boys Attending Single-Sex High Schools in New York City: An Examination of Four School Climate Factors 5/20/2015 Applied Psychology
Tami Herzog-Rodriguez, PhD Ikuko Acosta Art Therapists' Perceptions of their Work with Children who have Severe and Multiple Disabilities 5/20/2015 Art and Art Professions
Irina Vaynshteyn, PhD Diana Sidtis Acquisition of Formulaic Language in Second Language Learning: Effects of Age of Arrival on use and Understanding of Formulaic Expressions in Russian Bilingual Speakers 5/20/2015 Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Owen Gottlieb, PhD Robert Chazan Mobile, Location-Based Game Design for Teaching Jewish History: A Design-Based Research Study 5/20/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Dennis Yang, PhD Dana Burde The Pursuit of the Chinese Dream (in America): The Rise of Chinese Undergraduate Students at American Universities 5/20/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Lauren Sinclair, PhD Rene Arcilla American Africanists, Academic Activism, and U.S.-Africa Foreign Engagements, 1958-1971 5/20/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Rachel Cole, PhD Richard Arum Free Education, Equity, and Private Educational Spending in Sri Lanka 5/20/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Tilottama Karlekar, PhD Allen Feldman The Documentary Debates: Censorship, Protest, and Film Festival Publics in Contemporary India 5/20/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Sarah Stonbely, PhD Rodney Benson Objectivity in an Age of Dissensus: Mainstream U.S. News in the Context of Fragmentation, Pluralism, and Polarization, 1958-2009 5/20/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
James Stanley, PhD Benjamin Kafka Vaudevillian Returns: Space, Community and Economy in Post-Millennial Theater Cultures 5/20/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Jennifer Heuson, PhD Marita Sturken Sounding Western: Frontier Aurality, Tourism, and Heritage Production in South Dakota's Black Hills 5/20/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Aaron Pedinotti, PhD Alexander Galloway Substance and Mediation: Towards a Critical Hylomorphism of Media 5/20/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Oriol Nieto-Caballero, PhD Morwaread Farbood Discovering Structure in Music: Automatic Approaches and Perceptual Evaluations 5/20/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
David Mooney, PhD David Schroeder Joe Pass's Catch Me!, Joy Spring, and For Django: Transcription and Analysis 5/20/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Manuel Laufer, PhD Marilyn Nonken Reinscribing Modernism: Selected Episodes in Venezuelan Composition After 1950 5/20/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Marcus Ostermiller, PhD Marilyn Nonken Musical Responses to AIDS: Meaning and Signification in Two Works for Solo Piano by Robert Savage and Kevin Oldham 5/20/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Christy Spackman, PhD Amy Bentley Transforming Taste: The Twentieth-Century Aesthetic Remaking of Water 5/20/2015 Nutrition and Food Studies
Justin Bennett, PhD Pedro Noguera Translanguaging Among U.S. Latino Fifth Graders 5/20/2015 Teaching and Learning
Anjali Deshpande, PhD Pedro Noguera Making the Grade: Exploring the Variability of Grades and Teacher Beliefs about Grading in New York City Public Middle Schools 5/20/2015 Teaching and Learning
Jacqueline Aiello, PhD Shondel Nero English Language Learning in Italy: A Study of L2 Attitudes, L2 Motivation and Self-Perceived Proficiency among Italian Youth 5/20/2015 Teaching and Learning
Lauren Gibson, PhD Shondel Nero Voices from the Community: Linguistic and Educational Adaptations of Adolescent and Adult Haitian Immigrants 5/20/2015 Teaching and Learning
Heedal Kim, PhD Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth An Intercultural Study of Korean High School Students' Korean and English Argumentative Essays 5/20/2015 Teaching and Learning
Jing Wei, PhD Lorena Llosa Assessing Speakers of World Englishes: The Roles of Rater Language Background, Language Attitude, and Training 5/20/2015 Teaching and Learning
Chunhui Ma, PhD Bridget O'Connor Understanding MBA Students' Intention to Transfer Teamwork Skills: The Impact of Attitudinal, Normative, and Efficacy Belief Factors 1/26/2015 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Matthew Graziano, PhD Sumie Okazaki Balancing the Weight of Cultural Binaries: Multiethnic Women and Identity During and Post College 1/26/2015 Applied Psychology
Sukhmani Singh, PhD Selcuk Sirin Understanding the Associations between Stereotype Vulnerability and Student Engagement and Academic Achievement for Immigrant-Origin Students in Community Colleges 1/26/2015 Applied Psychology
Catherine Voulgarides, PhD Pedro Noguera Does Compliance Matter? Special Education Law and Racial Disproportionality 1/26/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Christine Donis-Keller, PhD Floyd Hammack Understanding School District Consolidation Decisions: Three Cases of Attempted Merger 1/26/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Rhashida Hilliard, PhD Philip Hosay 'Born Free' but Paying the Price: Is SES the New Black? A Case Study of the Construction of Equality Amongst South African Secondary School Learners 1/26/2015 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Lana Lin, PhD Marita Sturken Freud's Jaw and Other Lost Objects: Psychoanalysis and the Subjectivity of Survival 1/26/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Kyle Rentschler, PhD Helen Nissenbaum Value-Able Circuitries: An Examination of Human Values Embedded in Commercial Video Game Design 1/26/2015 Media, Culture, and Communication
Robert Sabin, PhD David Schroeder Gary Peacock: Analysis of Progressive Double Bass Improvisation 1963-1965 1/26/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Selena Burns, PhD Philip Taylor What Does it Mean to be Human? How Third Graders' Response to a Philosophical Question Changes Through Process Drama 1/26/2015 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Maia Merin, PhD James Fraser The "Other" Community Control: The Two Bridges Demonstration District and the Challenges of School Reform, 1965-1975 1/26/2015 Teaching and Learning
John Meletiadis, EdD Frances King Stage International Student Integration and Intercultural Mixing 9/22/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Christina Walsh, PhD Bridget O'Connor Voices of Resident Adult Female Undergraduate Students at a Women's College: Where Do I Fit? 9/22/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Erik Storholm, PhD Perry N. Halkitis Compulsive Sexual Behavior, Substance Abuse, and Sexual Risk Taking Among Emerging Adult Gay and Bisexual Men in New York City 9/22/2014 Applied Psychology
Sandra Dias, PhD Carola Suarez-Orozco Cultural Barriers and Help-Seeking Practices and Beliefs among Immigrant-Origin Emerging Adult Community College Students 9/22/2014 Applied Psychology
Ha Yeon Kim, PhD Elise Cappella Academic Engagement of Immigrant Origin Children in Linguistically Diverse Urban Schools 9/22/2014 Applied Psychology
Naomi Moland, PhD Jonathan Zimmerman Intractable Dilemmas: Sesame Square and the Quest for Multiculturalism in Nigeria 9/22/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Lindsey Sasaki, PhD Philip Hosay The Dekassegui Movement: Identity Transformation of Japanese Brazilian Dekassegui and Arubaito Young Adults to Japan and Upon Return to Brazil 9/22/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Janet Bordelon, PhD Harold Wechsler Choice among the Chosen: The History of Jews and the Battle for Parochaid: 1945-1983 9/22/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Song Chong, PhD Nicholas Mirzoeff Hurricane Katrina: Visuality, Photography, and Representing a Crisis 9/22/2014 Media, Culture, and Communication
Jacob Gaboury, PhD Alexander Galloway Image Objects: An Archaeology of Computer Graphics, 1965-1979 9/22/2014 Media, Culture, and Communication
Jamie Berthe, PhD Arvind Rajagopal An Art of Ambivalence: On Jean Rouch, African Cinema, and the Complexities of the (Post)Colonial Encounter 9/22/2014 Media, Culture, and Communication
Braxton Boren, PhD Agnieszka Roginska The Maximum Intelligible Range of the Human Voice 9/22/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Joseph Drew, PhD Esther Lamneck Michael From Licht: A Character Study of Karlheinz Stockhausen's Hero 9/22/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Aron Glennon, PhD Robert Rowe Evolving Synthesis Algorithms Using a Measure of Timbral Sequence Similarity 9/22/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Peter McCulloch, PhD Robert Rowe Thema: A Software Framework for the Quantitative Study of Compositional Process 9/22/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Margaret Giorgio, PhD Sally Guttmacher An Examination of the Relationships between Social Support, Sexual Risk Behaviors, and HIV Infection among Female, Foreign Migrants in Cape Town, South Africa 9/22/2014 Nutrition and Food Studies
Wayne Chih-Wen Kao, PhD Sally Guttmacher Association Between Drowning and Urbanization in Taiwan 1980 2010 9/22/2014 Nutrition and Food Studies
Laura Davis, PhD Lisa Stulberg (A)bridging Different Worlds: Constructing Understandings of Diversity in Preservice Teacher Education 9/22/2014 Teaching and Learning
Heather Herrera, PhD Carola Suarez-Orozco A Dropped Stitch: The Policies and Practices of Remedial English and their Impact on Immigrant-Origin Students in Community Colleges 9/22/2014 Teaching and Learning
Michael Fried, PhD Matthew Mayhew Socialization, Commitment and Attrition in Student Affairs Work 5/21/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Amy Knowles, EdD Matthew Mayhew Constructing Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Ethical Experiences of Classroom Lessons and Clinical Practice 5/21/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Patricia Diaz-Andrade, PhD Terry Astuto Understanding School-Level Data Use and Analysis in the Context of Knowledge Management 5/21/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Loni Bordoloi Pazich, PhD Robert Teranishi Influencing Transfer and Baccalaureate Attainment for Community College Students through State Grant Aid: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Texas 5/21/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Jennifer Siaca Curry, EdD Mary Erina Driscoll More School or After School?: The Experience of Community-Based Organization Leaders in 21st Century Community Learning Centers 5/21/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Alexandra Ursache, PhD Clancy Blair Do Bottom-Up Aspects of Self-Regulation Predict Executive Functioning?: Testing a Bi-Directional Model of Self-Regulation and Applying it to Home and School Contexts 5/21/2014 Applied Psychology
Leslie Williams, PhD J. Lawrence Aber Understanding and Testing the Relationships Among HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma, Health Service Utilization, HIV Outcomes, and Mental Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multi-Level Framework 5/21/2014 Applied Psychology
Constanca Vescio, PhD Mary Sue Richardson An Exploration of How Urban Latinas Talk About Their Experiences of Domestic Violence in a Treatment Setting 5/21/2014 Applied Psychology
Sharon Wolf, PhD J. Lawrence Aber Adapting Conditional Cash Transfer Programs to Wealthy, Services-Rich Societies: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Findings 5/21/2014 Applied Psychology
Seung-yun Yang, PhD Diana Sidtis The Ability of Left- and Right-Hemisphere Damaged Individuals to Produce Prosodic Cues to Disambiguage Korean Idiomatic Sentences 5/21/2014 Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Kelly Bridges, PhD Diana Sidtis Prosody and Formulaic Language in Treatment-Resistant Depression: Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation 5/21/2014 Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Karly Ford, PhD Richard Arum Social Outcomes of Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education 5/21/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Menachem Hecht, PhD Terry Astuto Jewish Prep: The Complicated Work of Modern Orthodox Jewish High Schools 5/21/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Elizabeth Hanauer, PhD Cynthia Miller-Idriss The Discourse and Teaching of Immigration History in France: Negotiations of Terminology, Ideology, and School Space 5/21/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Solon Barocas, PhD Helen Nissenbaum Panic Inducing: Data Mining, Fairness, and Privacy 5/21/2014 Media, Culture, and Communication
Robert Wosnitzer, PhD Arjun Appadurai Desk, Firm, God, Country: Proprietary Trading and the Speculative Ethos of Financialism 5/21/2014 Media, Culture, and Communication
Jonathan Jones, PhD Philip Taylor Drama Integration: Training Teachers to Use Process Drama in English Language Arts, Social Studies, and World Languages 5/21/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Andrew Krikun, PhD David Elliott Teaching the "People's Music" at the "People's College": A Historical Study of American Popular Music in the American Junior/Community College Curriculum, 1924-1955 5/21/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Sierra Clark, PhD Krishnendu Ray A Liquid Spirit: Materiality and Meaning in the Making of Quality American Whiskey 5/21/2014 Nutrition and Food Studies
Laura McMullin, PhD Pedro Noguera The Holistic Development of Teachers: Towards a Conceptual Model of Integrative Education, Mindfulness and Social Emotional Learning for Pre-Service Teachers 5/21/2014 Teaching and Learning
Regine Rossi, PhD John Mayher Three Lenses on Composing: English Teacher Educators' Views of School Writing, Writing Instruction, and the Preparation of English Teachers 5/21/2014 Teaching and Learning
Anna Smith, PhD Glynda Hull Transcontextual Writing Development Among Young Men 5/21/2014 Teaching and Learning
Tasha Darbes, PhD Fabienne Doucet "Hard to Place": Multilingual Immigrant-Origin Students in Community Colleges 5/21/2014 Teaching and Learning
Kimberly Woo, PhD Lorena Llosa Examining the Construct of Oral Social Language in the English Language Proficiency Assessment of Young ELLs 5/21/2014 Teaching and Learning
Anne Beitlers, PhD Pedro Noguera What Teachers Know and Do: The Relationship Between Teachers' Perceived Needs of Students and Their Practice in Urban, All-Male Schools 5/21/2014 Teaching and Learning
Gabriela Richard, PhD Christopher Hoadley Understanding Gender, Context and Game Culture for the Development of Equitable Digital Games as Learning Environments 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Frank Salfi, EdD Teboho Moja International Graduate Students: Socialization within American Colleges and Universities 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Phyllis Schulz, PhD Frances King Stage Where are the Women? Campus Climate and the Degree Aspirations of Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Programs 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Anthony Palatta, EdD Matthew Mayhew Examining Dental Student Perceptions of Their Racial/Ethnic Campus Climate 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Oneil Eastmond, EdD Colleen Larson The Experiences of Haitian Creole Students in American Public Schools: A Case Study 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Ivy Peltz, PhD Frances King Stage From Theory to Application: A Study of Knowledge Transfer in Dental Education 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Samantha Shapses Wertheim, EdD Robert Teranishi From a Privileged Perspective: How White Undergraduate Students Make Meaning of Cross-Racial Interaction 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Jody Dublin, EdD Matthew Mayhew Taking the Next Step: College Choice Experiences of Haitian Community College Students 1/27/2014 Administration, Leadership, and Technology
Rachel Wahl, PhD Dana Burde Learning Norms or Changing Them? State Actors, State Violence, and Human Rights Education in India 1/27/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Fabrice Jaumont, PhD Richard Arum Strategic Philanthropy, Organizational Legitimacy, and the Development of Higher Education in Africa: The Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (2000-2010) 1/27/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Michael Chavez Reilly, PhD Richard Arum Inequality and Opportunity in Work-Based Learning 1/27/2014 Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities
Jennifer Telesca, PhD Arjun Appadurai Red Gold: On the Global Politics of Regulating Marine Life 1/27/2014 Media, Culture, and Communication
Taemin Cho, PhD Juan Pablo Bello Improved Techniques for Automatic Chord Recognition from Music Audio Signals 1/27/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Jennifer Wilhelms, PhD Anton Vishio Diffraction and Sgothan: Motive Form and Time in Two Works by James Dillon 1/27/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Jeff Lankov, PhD Marilyn Nonken The Solo Piano Compositions of John Adams: Style, Analysis, and Performance 1/27/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
John Socas, PhD Philip Taylor Enhancing Self Presentation Through Drama at a Community College: Rehearsing for the Job Interview 1/27/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Areti Andreopoulou, PhD Agnieszka Roginska Head-Related Transfer Function Database Matching Based on Sparse Impulse Response Measurements 1/27/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Eva Egolf, PhD David Elliott Learning Processes of Electronic Dance Music Club DJs 1/27/2014 Music and Performing Arts Professions
Grace Choi, PhD Amy Bentley Loss and Meaning: Food and Ethnic Identity 1/27/2014 Nutrition and Food Studies
Catherine Sigler, PhD Sarah Woodward Beck Any Sorrow can be Borne if You Put it in a Story: Grieving and the Reconstruction of Meaning in Contemporary Memoir 1/27/2014 Teaching and Learning