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Arnold Grossman

Professor of Applied Psychology, Emeritus

Applied Psychology


Dr. Grossman was the Principal Investigator [PI] of a research study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (2011-2017): "Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide among Sexual Minority Youth." This longitudinal panel study was designed to follow a diverse sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth, ages 15-24, and to examine changes in constellations, magnitudes, and developmental sequences of risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviors with a particular emphasis on the major components of the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide. Simultaneously, the study was designed to investigate whether or not the risk and protective factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors are uniquely related to LGBT youths' gender and sexual identity developmental milestones. Dr. Grossman and his research team members continue to analyze data from previous projects: "Challenges and Coping: The Q & A Project" (Co-Investigator). also funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. This longitudinal panel study was designed to investigate the mental health consequences of sexual orientation victimization of a diverse sample of gay, lesbian, bisexual youth (ages 15 to 21). Four other research projects: "Transgender Youth: A Vulnerable Population" [PI]; "Caregiving among Middle-Aged and Older Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults" [PI]; "Using Assessments & Program Assignments to Reduce Sexual Minority Stress & Enhance Psychological Well-Being among LGBT Youth" [PI]; and "Project DAN" [PI], a study of hurtful and harmful experiences among sexual minority older adults.

Selected Publications

  • D'Augelli, A.R., Grossman, A.H., & Starks, M.T. (2005), Parents' awareness of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths' sexual orientation. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 474-482.
  • Grossman, A.H., & D'Aguelli, A.R. (2004). The socialization of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth: Celebrity and personally known role models. In E. Kennedy & A. Thornton (eds.), Leisure, media and visual culture: Representations and Contestations, pp. 83-105. Eastbourne, UK: LSA Publications.
  • Ungvarski, P.J., & Grossman, A.H. (1999). Health problems of gay and bisexual men. Nursing Clinics of North America, 34(2), 313-331.
  • Grossman, A.H., D'Augelli, A.R., & Hershberger, S.L. (2000). Social support networks of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults 60 years of age and older. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 55B(3), P171-P179.
  • Grossman, A.H. (2001). Avoiding HIV/AIDS and the challenge of growing up gay, lesbian and bisexual. In A.R. D'Augelli & C.J. Patterson (Eds.), Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities and youth: Psychological perspectives (pp. 155-180). New York: Oxford Univ
  • Grossman, A.H., D'Augelli, A.R., & O'Connell, T.S. (2003). Being lesbian, gay, bisexual and 60 or older in North America, in Garnets, L. & Kimmel, D. Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Experiences, pp. 629-653. NY: Columbia Univ.Press
  • Gossman, A.H., & D'Augelli, A.R. (2005). Recreational substance use among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth: Frequency and predictors. In P. Bramham & J. Caudwell (Eds.), Sport, Active Leisure, and Youth Cultures (pp. 55-72). Eastbourne, UK: LSA Publications.